Chapter Eight | Pizza and a Movie

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When Holland saw that Ember's birthday was on the seventh she quickly told her they had to do something.

Ember had been awake for a while it seemed, with all the things she had spread out on her normally clean desk.

'No,' she signed.

Holland might not have been on a great level of ASL but she knew the basics and she had been trying to learn a bit more whenever she got the chance.

"What do you mean no there has to be something you want to do for your-" Holland trailed off a bit not really knowing how old the girl was.

Ember brushed her nearly now basil green hair out of her face, it was still a bit wet from her shower, and in turn, it didn't listen to her as it stuck out its own way.

'No, I don't want to do anything,' she signed slowly spelling out a few words.

"Come on, what about something small-just us-Flynn and Karter? We can do something here if you want. Come on, you have to do something," Holland begged.

She always loved birthdays for some reason, she understood a lot of people disliked them especially their own but to Holland, it was another year. It was another year she survived and made it past her own past, plus most people were nice to others on their birthday.

'Fine, tonight. I am going to dinner with my dad tomorrow.'


Ember quickly texted Flynn and Karter in a group chat just to make sure they could come, it was last minute after all.

[ So, Ember's birthday is tomorrow and I thought about a movie night tonight? She is busy tomorrow and I think I convinced her into the idea of doing something tonight instead. ]

Holland sent the text as she was walking into the building for her histology class where she could learn all about the cells in the human body. It was one of her favorite classes, they would get to look through slides in the microscope, and for some reason, it was always so mesmerizing to her.

[ We can get some food from the new pizza place off-campus and come back with a movie? ]

Holland grinned seeing Flynn was available and even seemed excited to come along. She quickly texted him back and also made sure her phone was on silent.

After texting back and forth for a while she made a few notes for later and then focused on her class. Holland didn't have all that much to do other than order the food and then go to her next class of the day.

However, she also had gross anatomy which was like a page out of a nightmare book. There was a load of reading that came along with the class. This school, fortunately, made them do the lab portion three times a week which helped to make up for some of the things the class offered.

This was the class Holland would be learning more about the human body with the help of cadavers.

It was clearly not for the ill stomached. She would explore things like cranial nerves, which were twelve nerves that connect the brain to different parts of the head, neck, etc. Then in her personal opinion, the worst was when they made her study the muscles in the face that would close the eyelids, also known as orbicularis oculi.

To put it simply, it was a gross class.

It also would last four to five hours if it was a lab day; if it was simply a lecture then she would be out of there in an hour.

Once her first class let out she searched up the name of the new pizza place, which was pretty simple with the help of Google. Holland called and ordered everything, telling them to put it under Thorn, Flynn, and Karter's last name since they were picking it up.

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