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I'm sitting in the back seat of Elijah's hideously garish Range Rover, zip ties around my wrists and ankles, a gun laying on the console of the car within immediate reach of his hand. I'm trapped.

After I left the bathroom I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, for just a second I thought it was Derek. Then his hands tightened around me painfully and I knew it wasn't him. I spun around and found the monster of my nightmares staring down at me, a gun pointed to my chest. I dug into my chest so hard I know there's still a bruise.

As he dragged me towards the fire escape all I could think about was Derek, I had to somehow tell him what had happened somehow. So I did the only thing I could think of, I dropped the ring onto the floor and prayed he would find it.

Now I can barely think beyond my terror.

He's found me.

He's not going to let me go.

He drags me from the car after he untied my ankles and I see the hideous white picket fenced house that I escaped all those months before.

"I've sure missed you Ellie." He snarls against my neck before sucking there until I feel the blood pooling there. I squirm and cry out, trying to get away from his disgusting, slobbering mouth. We've made it to the hall by now and I find myself pinned against the wall as he continues to drool and mark at my neck. He starts to paw at my chest and I beg him to stop, he just laughs.

"You're feeling a little chubby Ellie, better get you back on that diet."

I always hated that version of my name, he knew I didn't like it which made him do it even more. It became his pet name for me. My wrists sting from the zip ties as Elijah throws me onto the floor of the kitchen.

Crying out, I begin to whimper as he cuts my wrists free. His hand grabs at my chin, harshly twisting at my head and neck possessively.

"Please..." I beg, my eyes burning into his empty ones. "You don't want me Elijah, let me go."

"You're mine!" He all but roars and he drags me by my hair towards the stairs. I scoot along the polished floor, screaming and pleading. Clutching at my hair trying desperately to stop the burning agony assaulting my scalp currently.

I must have blacked out for a second because I find myself back in the bedroom laying on the carpeted floor.

"You really thought I would just let you go? Let you fuck another man? You're mine!"

"Then how come you always told me you didn't want me! You can fuck other people during our relationship, but I can't after I've left you? That's a fucking joke!"

I can't seem to quell this overpowering rage and anger at him. I want to scream. I want to make him suffer like me, but of course that will never happen.

A harsh slap cuts off my thoughts as my head slams against the wall I'm leaning against. I cry out and clutch at my head, sobbing and trembling.

He kneels down in front of me, up close to my face. I can see the spittle caught on his lip in rage, the vein bulging in his forehead and his feral, bloodshot eyes.

"You're lucky you're too fat for me to want to fuck you right now. Maybe in a month or so I'll give it to you." I have to hold back the sickness that rises in stomach and coats my throat with a burning bile.

I close my eyes, choosing to imagine Derek's face instead of the horror of the reality I'm faced with.

There's a chinking sound and my eyes flicker open to find a pair of handcuffs being taunted in front of my face.

"Now, I have to go back to work, so when I'm gone you're wearing these. I will take them off when I return."

"No Elijah please. Don't do this. I'm begging you."

He huffs a cold laugh and locks one around my wrist, the other to the piping of the radiator. My tears are falling thick and fast as I can no longer contain them. They fall down my cheeks and my eyes burn.

Elijah leaves with a slam to the door and the ominous sound of the lock clicking. Frantically I tug at the handcuffs, pulling with all my might and desperation. Nothing more than the odd groan from the pipes and metal, I'm still chained to the floor.

Giving up with a weak collapse onto the floor, I curl into as much of a ball as I can, even with my arm awkwardly twisted up in the air, tugging at my muscles.


"Wake up Ellie." My dreams of being with Derek are shattered like a mirror and I open my eyes to find the cold smile of my monster staring down at me.

Crying out, I recoil and back away. Clutching at the sore hickey on my neck, I cower away from him with a strangled whimper of fear. His hand grips onto my shoulder like a vice and I desperately try to pry it off me with my free hand.

Another sharp, jaw breaking slap strikes my cheek instantly halting my attempts. I avert my eyes to the floor and wait for Elijah to do something.

A delicious smell wafts into the room and my stomach growls in hunger. I haven't eaten anything since the waffles Derek bought me this morning and while once upon a time I could go for days without eating a thing, I can't anymore.

"You hungry Ellie? Want to get even fatter?" He spits over me and I whine at his cruelty.

I look up and notice a box of pizza laying just out of my reach. A slice is gone and Elijah is leaning casually against the bed eating it, as if he hasn't kidnapped a woman and is holding her against her will. He doesn't even care.

He knows I can't escape. He has every right to be relaxed right now.

Swallowing hard, I turn my face away from the sight of the food and Elijah. I close my eyes and the feeling of Derek wrapping his arms around me engulfs me gently with a soft kiss to my forehead. The memory enables me to escape the confines of my nightmare.

I just want Derek.

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