Chapter Twelve

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a couple of hours after Sherlock left, I decided to read a bit more

I took the newspaper he gave me and put it under my pillow.

wait a second. 

I looked back at the paper

"The Lords..." I thought to myself. I opened the other paper to see Tewksbury "Lord...Every vote counts."  

There were knocks

"Delivery from Ferndell Hall." a man yelled. I opened my door "Care of Mr. Mycroft Holmes." 

"What does he want?" the men sighed 

"Well... whatever it is, it's heavy." I nodded. 

they put the basket down

"I'm terribly sorry, you both deserve a tip but I have none on me." the men nodded

"don't worry about it" I smiled

"Have a great day" the men closed my door

"What on earth does that jerk off want?" I sat on my bed "let's think about this." I said to myself "it could be clothes because Mycroft thinks I can't dress myself properly. or it could be everything of mine that he thought was useless." I heard rustling in the basket

"God, Tewksbury would you scoot over!?" someone yelled

"I am a blooming Marquess, you little boy, I deserve more space" I heard slaps

"we're the same age!" I kicked the basket.

"OW!" they yelled. I ripped the top off of the basket

"Oh my god" I smirked "you two do sure care about me" they rolled their eyes. they stood up. I jumped in the basket and hugged them "Briggs and Tewkesbury!" I smiled

"You're supposed to be helping us out, not getting in with us." Briggs chuckled

"How did you find me?" I asked them

"Well, you said you didn't want to come to Miss Harrison's Finishing School for Young Ladies." Briggs answered. I got out of the basket

"he has quite the prodigious memory when he chooses to use it." Tewksbury added. Briggs slapped his arm "ow"

"So I thought we'd go out the same way we came in." Briggs added

"I even wore my most porter-ish coat." I rolled my eyes

Josephine Amelia HolmesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz