Chapter 96 : Auction Event (1)

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"The power of life has blocked the meridians. This is not a good solution." Xiaobai wrinkled, and after thinking for a while, he began to speak.

"However, there is no absolute thing in the world. If Murong Snow can get a high-level remedy may be it's recoverable."

Murong raised her eyebrows. "Although I don't know how she recovered, I always feel that there seems to be something stinking inside."

"Master, otherwise, we are going to give Murong Snow a little lesson again." Xiaobai had an idea. "I don't believe it, she still has a way to resume repairs."

"No," Murong tilted her head and gently shook her head. "This time it was to warn Liu Mei's and it was a hand that was moved in the public. Now that she has recovered her cultivation, then forget it. The account between her is also clear. As long as she does not come to provoke me in the future, I will not care about her again."

Hearing Murong Yan said, Xiaobai did not saying anything.

--split line--

This day is a monthly special auction of the Gallo auction house.

However, this time it seems more lively than the previous special auction. Early in the morning, many people from big families were waiting at the door, just as if they were afraid of missing something.

As soon as the time came, people from all major families entered the auction. The most eye-catching thing is the four big families. This time, the families of the four major families came to the auction personally. It can be seen that this auction is extraordinary.

Of course, when the family of the four major families meets, it is natural that there is a little chill.

"Hey, isn't this the owner of Nangong?" Akihara said with a smile, "What wind has blown you?"

"It turned out to be the owner of Akimoto!" The face of Nangong Court was also full of smiles. "I just want to look at it. It is the owner of Akimoto. It seems that there is something strange and precious today, and you are also attracted."

"There is nothing, just to come and join in the fun. By the way, take the juniors in the family to come and see. Yi Er, this is the owner of the Nangong, did not say hello?."

"The younger generation has seen the owner of the Nangong family." Qiu Yuanyi said.

"It turned out to be Qiu Yuan Yi!" Nan Gong Ting Li, a good elder, looks like "I don't think the body of Shi Hao is very good! Has suffered injury before? I hope you don't mind, after all, the top of the ring, the fists has no eyes. I am here to apologize to the son."

He heard that Nangong Tingli mentioned that Qiu Yuanyi was defeated by Nangong Temple. Akihara’s face flashed a bit unpleasant, but it quickly disappeared. His face has still a smile. “The Nangong owner is really polite. Right, I don’t know if the injury on the son is good! After all, he was so hurt in the trial, you really have to nurse him well.”

Hey, you laugh at my son, and don't look at the end of your own son. Although my son is defeated by your son, isn’t your son also defeated in the hands of a woman? What is great?.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Akihara's departure, the face of Nangong court ceremony suddenly sank, and he did not hesitate to open the counterattack. "Yes, I heard that your son is born with frailty and suffering from illness. It’s time to take a rest in the house, or else it’s not good to get sick outside.”

As everyone knows, Qiu Yuanyi of the Akihara family is extremely talented, but because of his illness, he is at risk of losing his life at any time.

The Nangong Court originally thought that Akimoto’s departure would be very uncomfortable after hearing such words. However, he did not expect that Qiuyuan was not only angry, but smiled.

"The owner of the Nangong I'm afraid that you don't know it!" Akimoto was so happy that he smiled. "It is a good luck to say that Yi Er. He met a noble person some time ago and have cured his years of hardship. Now Yi child has returned to health."


When he heard the Autumn words, the Nangong Court was shocked. When he looked at Qiu Yuanyi, he found out the clue. In the past, Qiu Yuanyi had no blood on his face, and the whole person looked weak.

However, the current Qiu Yuanyi has completely lost the paleness of the past, and the whole person looks healthy and handsome, even the face has a healthy blush.

“Is it?” Nan Gong Ting Li Qiang Huan laughed and said, “That’s really good, so a gratifying thing, Akimoto’s family should inform us earlier!”

"It's just a small matter. There is no need to tell the world like this." Akihara tried to suppress his inner happiness. "Yes, we don't bother the Nangong family."

After this chilling, the two went to their own boxes. However, as soon as they turned around, their faces almost sinked at the same time.

Akihara is secretly chilling from the heart, want to grab something with me? There are no doors.

Nangong Temple has a sneer in the bottom of his heart, not just wanting to grab that thing, but also to see if his money is enough! Nothing can be robbed by the things he wants in his Nangong family!

However, this little episode soon passed, and no one noticed.

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