05 Princess

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The heart is corrupted by the corruption of the eyes.

Ibn Al Qayyim

"Be a pain for everyone when I leave."

"How to be a pain, Afsha?"

"You tease everyone, a lot."

"Okay, but will you get me a dress like your red one then?"

"Why do you want it, shahzadgy (princess)?"

"To wear on your wedding."

Banafsha cringes mentally and stops styling Abeer's hair. She pulls away to look at her niece, her half braided bangs clutched into her fingers.

"My wedding?" She tastes the words on her tongue and cringes again. "That's far away, darling. Don't think about it."

"How far?" Abeer eyes her curiously through the dressing table mirror.

"Very, very far."

Banafsha resumes doing her hairstyle and Abeer shuffles in her seat. "But what about my dress?" she whines.

"I'll get you one when I'm back."

"But when will you be back, Afsha?"

Never, she answers in her head but smiles at Abeer, pinning her braided bangs. "Soon."

Abeer jumps down her seat and steps closer to the mirror, standing on her toes and leaning forward to observe her hairstyle closely, those irises seemingly glittering with joy. She grins and turns towards Banafsha, letting out a long, impressed 'wow'.

"I love it, Afsha!"

"Thank you, zaar."

Abeer's features slowly color from happy to gloomy as she stares at Banafsha. "Who will make me hairstyles when you leave?" She runs to cling to her legs. "Why are you leaving, Afsha?"

Her heart makes a painful beat looking at her niece. What does she tell this child? That her father is like a spasmodic gut making useless contraction to keep her restless and in pain? She sighs and kneels to her level, holding her shoulders she smiles at her. No matter her dislike towards her siblings, she can never dislike their innocent children. These two kids are probably the only humans on the entire planet she likes, despite them giving her headache at times.

"Will you miss me, jaan?" Banafsha asks softly.

Abeer nods sadly.

Banafsha hugs her to her chest. "I will miss you too. You and Wali are my only friends."

She puts her small arms around her neck. "Then why don't you live with me?"

"We will live together back again soon." Banafsha pulls away and kisses her forehead. "Zama jaan (my life)."

"Will we live in your new house uncle Aurang will buy for you?" Abeer asks and her eyebrows go up at her question.

"Where did you hear this?"

"From baba when he was talking to uncle Aurang."

"What more did they talk about?" Banafsha fishes for more, suddenly curious.

"Um, I've forgotten now." Abeer moves towards the dressing table again, reaching for the nail polishes and picking one. "Can you paint me this, Afsha?"

She smiles knowingly, realizing Abeer has lost interest. "Yes, but if you tell me what more did your baba ask uncle Aurang."

Abeer seemingly thinks now, clutching the nail polish tightly. "Um, baba asked him if he liked the food."

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