𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗

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No words were spoken in the old red truck. Neither girl wanted to say anything to the other. Well, at least not anything nice. Bella was holding her tongue as she didn't want another injury and KC was too busy steaming over the fact that she was being forced to meet Bella's friends to casually insult the dependent brunette.

Charlie had ended up waiting outside to make sure Bella actually took her cousin and had to literally drag KC into the truck and put the child lock on before going to work.

KC was too busy grumbling under her breath, saying something about not wanting to meet the 'probably creepy as hell friends of her dumbass cousin' to realize Bella had stopped the engine and gotten out. When Bella finally realized her cousin was still in the truck, she sighed loudly and walked up to KC's door.

"...fucking stupid ass....didn't even want to...........weird ass bitches be-"

"KC! We're here."

KC jumped a foot above her seat before turning to her cousin, giving her a what the fuck look.

"What? You weren't getting out." Bella speaks as her cousin steps out and grabs her coat. "One, Charlie put the child lock thing on. And two, where is here exactly?" KC asks, looking at the mud she stepped in with disgust.

"Jake's house, he's probably out in the garage. Come on." Bella grumbles as she begins walking towards the building behind the small house. KC narrows her eyes before begrudgingly following.

So this is where I die, huh? It looks like the place the dumb blonde bitch runs to instead of the running car in a horror movie.

Once the pair finally reach the garage, they look inside to see it empty. KC's eyebrow raises as she turns to Bella, who pulls out her phone and begins texting someone. "So is this friend a made up person or...?" KC asks sarcastically before the sound of hooting and shouting fills the air.

If I get stuck with idiotic boys that act like children all day, I swear to god I'm going to run away.

The pair turns to see a group of well-built men coming their way. One of the boys look towards Bella, as she stepped out of the garage after hearing the shouting. He grins and waves excitedly before rushing over and pulling Bella into a hug. The rest of the boy group follow after him, less than disappointed to be seeing the vampire supporter hanging out with Jacob again.

KC stood silently in the doorway of the garage, trying not to laugh at the way the grown looking teens stood awkwardly, obviously not knowing what to do with themselves.

Embry, who heard the quiet snickering, turned to the brunette in the doorway, furrowing his brows before turning to Bella.

"Who is this?" The rest of the boys looked at Embry like he was stupid before looking where he pointed.

Bella sighed as she separated from Jake and pointed behind her shoulder and answering. "This is my cousin, KC. She's going to be staying with me and my dad for a while. Oh and be careful, if she doesn't like you she might give you a black eye."

Paul turned to look at Bella, seeing a dark bruise around her eye, before bursting out laughing, the others following suit until Jacob turned and glared at them. The group got silent quickly, Quil coughing slightly while Paul still had a massive smile on his face. KC steps out of the garage and stands beside her cousin before speaking. "Don't worry. I haven't found a reason to hit any of you. Yet."

Jacob turns to look at the girl before slightly gasping. She was beautiful. She had gorgeous brown, almost black eyes that seemed to stare right into his soul. Full pink lips currently twisted upwards into a smile. He felt everything shift. He felt complete, the world seemingly brighter than it was just seconds ago. It was as if he had been missing something all his life and had finally found it. It was funny, really. He thought that Bella was the only one for him, the reason he was put on the Earth for, until the very second the two met eyes. Suddenly nothing other than her mattered. He would do anything for her.

The group, who had just realized what happened, quickly went to grab him before he fell over into the mud and embarrassed himself right in front of his imprint. The group then turned to the girl who was beginning to get weirded out from all the staring.

"What? Got a problem?"

Paul began laughing again, turning to look at the sarcastic girl for the first time. His eyes widened as he looked at her.

Oh shit.

Jacob, who felt something was off, turned to look at the group that caught him before growling at the look Paul was giving his mate.

It was almost as if he had.....WAIT A MINUTE!

"Did you just..?"

Paul was suddenly leaping towards his pack mate, growling loudly and startling a confused KC and Bella.





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