Chapter3: School Life.

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My school life also played a important role in my life...I dont remmember clearly when i was admitted in the school,but yeah all the memories from class 4th is clear like glass to me...I was in little angels high school rajbagh which was upto 10th class at that time...There happened a lot of things with me at very early age which effected my life very well...So let us start the school life of mine...I was not a brilliant student but was also not the failure one...I was an average student...According to my mother, I always got 94% in every exam's till 7th class...My parents called me hard worker not an intelligent one...Every school boy have a crush obviously...i too had a crush...ohhh...The feelings at that time was let us start breifly..Now the intersting part starts from here....

I was in 4th class...I still remmember, Her name was she changed her name to aaliya bazaz...She was like angel to me at that time...Her eye color is black...Her skin color is white,tall, slim, silky hair,a cute and beautifull face,sweet voice...

Although, At that time i never proposed her because i was afraid..That was my first time...but i was focused on her...The dream girl of wasik arfat''hahahaha''...I didn't share anything about it with my friends at that time because you know the boys,they tease very much by saying her name when she come in the class and all...But every morning,i used to see her and get lost in her eyes..I always sit on the front bench..our class had rotation system at that time..every student changes there seat every day accordingly..But with some effortes, i refused my rotation and sat on same bench so i get chances to sit with her..And whenever that day cames,i was like in the heaven...Time passed and still i didn't proposed her...But who can hide there feelings too long..Somehow my friends came to know about this..And as i already said they start teasing about this and convenced me to propose her..

And finally i did that...But i never knew that it will came to an end after she rejected my propose..At that day i was very upset...usually at that time, there was a trend to cut arm and write the name of the person whom u love..And by gaining some courage i did the same...i wrote her name on my arm..And showed her..but nothing happened,and at that time i was in 6 standard...

Once at friendship day, i bought a milky bar and a friendship band for accepted that and when i say she shared that chocolate with her friends and tear the band..That broke my heart in 100 pieces...I was like everything ended up..But i never loose hope..I was if i am right, 6 years trying to convence her...But she was like always rejection from her side...
In between this, I forgot to tell you about my best friends..Although i had too many friends but i had no best friend...yeah ofcourse i had too many female friends..There is a long list of them...
But few i will mention here...

Hyfa,muskan,irfana,arooj,adeeba,mansha and many more...
Among them hyfa was my bestest friend..ansmd on second number,irfana
I was a great bond with female friends...i dont know why but it was..Dont take it wrong..''hahahaha''

One day at the time of reccess, hyfa came and said.''i will do your makeup''
And for her happiness i allowed to do..
I had a very great school life except on thing that was my love life...
We were too much naughty students in the school..we always tease the teachers by shouting in the class,by making wierd noises in the class..

We were beaten too many times by the teachers and the principle..
One day i remmember,there was no fault of mine.,i went out to bring chalk for the teacher and when i came back.whole class was out and the teacher told me you was also involved though i did nothing...
Whole class was in the line and then principle came with a wicket in his hand, start beating everyone with that.And when my turn came, he hit me also..And that time i didn't feel the pain..
And when i came home after the school, i went to my tutions and it was winter at that time,my hand stop working..i was tensed what happened...but deep down i knew the reason and i start ignoring the pain..
But when the pain was not bearable..i told my mom that i had sewer pain in my hand but i did not told her the reason..Later when i went to the hospital..,on thw way.,i told her the truth And after that i got the plaster on my hand..

Childhood...Ahhhh...i will always miss the childhood...That days when we woke up early in the morning, Take bath, eat breakfast, polish shoes,wear the uniform,setting the hair,looking in the mirror,waiting for the bus,and yes i always hate to take the lunch with me...It always seems burden to me...Sure thing My maa always win in the fight for lunch box...Days past,And i grew up,I also start going to delhi with my parents for 6 months in winter vaccation...Life was too good at that time...I was focused on one girl but she was on her words that was a big ''NO''
But i tried for 6 years till my 7th class..Begging her..But don't you think that begging someone to be in your life is not love???..But that was childhood...

At the home,everything was stable we live hapily until my uncles got married..,After that everything changed...Fights started in our house..On little things....Not physical, verbal....And inbetween this we bought a land in naseembagh for us to live a seperate house....This book which i an writting is not on my family or the events...But i am doing this for one person who came in my life and changed everything....

So we start planning to live alone...My father start construction of new house...And same year we bought a 3bhk flat in lajpat nagar delhi...So obviously everyone started gossiping about us...And the year was 2008...And due to some reasons, construction had to be stopped...Due to some lose in bussiness...And this remains for 6 years...

Many people was happy about this...and some were sad...But my father remained stand and he fight...He is very strong person...He remain firm to his words...Many things happened witb us in those years but we never step back....And those years taught me alot..infact we sell our car...There was too much loan of the bank..And slowly we were able to return that back..And now we have cleared everything..but still dont have car..We are planning to buy 2 big suv's but i never shared it with anyone because there is a saying that..''Dont make it public until it is permanent''.....

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