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3rd person omniscient pov

Changbin soon left the shop and y/n was getting ready to leave with hyunjin who was just around the block. Soon the next person to take the morning shift came and allowed her to leave. "Sooo? did you get his number?" hyunjin asked as they made their way home "Yea I did and we talked for my whole shift" Y/n carried on talking about her night with changbin all the way. Hyunjin was happy to see his sister happy, I wonder if he's the guy cuz in my book he already checks out. hyunjin thought. When they got home Y/n went to her room and jumped on her bed feeling tired out. She soon found herself wondering is Changbin was home safe Should I? Aw fuck it 

                                               -Coffee addict- 

Me: Hey I was just wondering if you got home safe?

Coffee addict: Yea I just got out of the shower heading out for the studio did you arrive safe?

Me: Your telling me you napped for 2 1/2 hours? Changbin that's not healthy:( and yes I did thank you

Coffee addict: Aw you are worried about me~ Its ok i can make it though the day with 2 hours of sleep. But you should sleep princess

As soon as y/n read that last part she felt her face heat up

Me: Yah! who said I was a princess>:( I'm a fucking queen

Coffee addict: well then your majesty, you still need sleep I promise to talk to you after you sleep. I have to go now bye 

Me: fine Bye be safe!!

Y/n soon fell asleep with changbin on her mind. Little did she know she was on his mind as well.

Felix pov


"Y/n wake up please? Its already 1:30, we need to get you ready to look for you outfit and gift for the birthday party" I entered her room expecting her to be asleep still but to my surprise she was up and ready talking to someone on the phone. "Felix! give me a sec let me just do my hair" "Okay... I'll be waiting outside" Who was she talking to?

Y/n pov

I woke up around 12:40 to changbin texting me asking me if I were awake yet. soon he said the manager had something come up so he had the day off. we naturally called after I got ready. Hyunjin wouldn't stop texting me stuff like 'Dude ask him out!!' or 'ask him to be your fake boyfriend there's only 3 days left before the birthday' I thought about it and he might be the only choice but we are not that close. its still an option and might be my only one. 

"Felix I need your help come in here!" Felix will know what to do him and Chris always know what to do "What's up?" "So I became friends with a really cute guy and when I say cute I actually mean this really hot guy he is like super nice and caring and he is really good person to talk to and hyunjin talked to him yesterday and said to ask him to be my fake boyfriend but we are not that close yet and I would never think of using him like that but there are only 3 days left well technically 2 days left" I started rambling. "Okay well you should introduce me to him first and I mean in short notice you should consider him as a person" Felix responded still trying to process what I said. "He asked if I wanted to hang out today but I already said I couldn't" "wait you met him yesterday and he wants to hang out today too? Why did you say no? call him and say yes!" He yelled "Okay don't yell at me.......ring....ring......Hey so my friend said he couldn't hang out do you still wanna hang today?.......Ok cool lets meet at the train station by the coffee house....see you then bye~" I hung up and me and Felix started to laugh.

(A/n: This was a type of filler in a way, its kinda rushed but you get it hopefully)

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