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Chapter 49

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Time Elapsed: 00:43:12

"Did you grow up in the clan?" Severance asked Jalin. He managed to successfully sign about half the words.

"No." She smiled wistfully. Her pale blue eyes took on a faint shine. "I married into the clan. My husband was a wonderful man, but... he died not long after our wedding."

"Oh. I'm sorry." He immediately regretted asking and felt like such a turd for making her talk about such a tragedy. "I shouldn't have asked."

"It's all right," she said. "Everyone here has lost someone, and most have lost more than I. In such a way, I count myself fortunate."

You have lost much, but you have also gained much, Mouna signed. I am here for you, sister.

"Thank you," Jalin made the sign for gratitude. "That means more than you know."

Mouna gave a solemn nod. Then she carefully folded the hide off her legs and stood. I'll be back.

Jalin gave a sudden little laugh. "Oh, I'd nearly forgotten! She's been working on something for you, Severance."

"She has?" That came as a surprise. "Why?"

Jalin's eyes curved into little crescents as she practically beamed. "Why? You should know better than to ask a woman that. Just accept it and say thank-you. Mouna's the best leatherworker we have, you know. She's been teaching me, but it'll be years before I can even come close to her skill."

A leatherworker, huh? That fit. He still remembered being dragged around on a hunting spree just to act as Mouna's packhorse. She gathered a large number of hides at that time and he'd received the honor of storing them in his Inventory.

As he dwelled on that, he grew sober. That had also been the time he had to stop Mouna from slaughtering players. He'd been horrified at the time. But now he understood that a lot better. Free Traders had murdered Rasin, and then they'd laughed, as if his death was a thing to be mocked. If Severance came across a Free trader now, could he say that he wouldn't do the same thing?

Slowly, his fingers curled into fists. Never again.

"Are you all right?"

He jerked his head up to find concerned blue eyes watching him. He forced a smile. "Yeah, fine. Just remembering some things."

She gave her head a gentle shake. "I've seen that look before on others. Don't bottle it up, Severance. Or it'll eat at you."

Bottle what up? He wondered what she was talking about. Before he could ask, however, Mouna returned. She had a large black bundle in her arms.

Jalin placed the large hide aside and rose. She came over, stepping around Vast and crouched before him. Catching his startled expression, she pressed a finger to her lips. Then she carefully scooped up Tayci from Severance's lap. She did so with such skill that the little girl didn't even stir from her slumber. She settled down on the bench beside him with Tayci in her arms.

Relieved at being freed, Severance stood. The movement forced Vast to lift his head. He gave Severance a disgruntled side-eye and flicked his tail once against the ground.

You big baby, Severance thought fondly. He turned to see what Mouna had, only to find her holding a black coat. She held it in front of herself, allowing it to hang to its full length.

It was a handsome coat, more art than clothing. It had a high collar that fit close to the neck, fastened by a slender buckle, and then it swept down in graceful lines. Rather than buckles, there were little leather ties, sweeping across the torso from neck to hip in a diagonal line. An inner lining of soft cottony material added a comfortable, moisture-wicking layer. The whole coat was black, of course, but there were different shades of black along with textures and shapes that brought life to the design.

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