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Too shocked to reply I stood still.

They came inside and I noticed he still hasn't removed his hand from her waist.
And it hurts .....he keeps distance from me as if I'm a corona virus and here he is attached to her as if she is his sanditizer....

AN:-(I know it's lame🙈)

See I started thinking rubbish now ....my chain of thoughts broke when she forwarded her hand for a hand shake  and gave me a sugar coated smile ... which is very fake.

"Umm Hey! shradha right? You must know me after all shushant and me are very very close"  Saying this she smirked as if trying to taunt  me ......

" yeah so actually you see ...I had some work here in the city and thought to take hotel room but then this sweet and handsome guy here offered me to stay with you guys , how sweet isn't it?
And yeah please make yourself comfortable here I won't bother you and just ask Shushant if I need anything"
Saying this she side hugged him with a smile on her face.
But the thing is she said that I should make myself  comfortable as if I'm the guest here.

And this made me angry.
I've to talk to him but.... What afterall it's his mansion. His girlfriend....
And the thought made me sad yet so angry .

I was pulled out of thought when she whined saying how hungry she is.

"Don't worry I'll make something for us "
He said
And I just gapped at him
He can cook!

"Actually shushant ...." I called him and they both once again turned their attention towards me.
"I already made dinner and there's some extra so it's okay" I said
He just nodded while shikha just started at me without saying anything.

Shushant helped shikha in settling in the guest room while I just heated the already cooked food.

When they both settled on the dining table I took my seat too.

Shushant served shikha and himself and put the ppt down. I sighed and started serving myself.
Shushant looked at me with surprised eyes  and asked
"You haven't eaten yet?"

Shaking my head I started eating
"No I was waiting for you" I said in a low voice and when I lifted my head and gazed into his eyes.....he was already looking into mine with a small smile playing in his lips....it's hard to see but it's there.

I turned my gaze down again with a light blush on my cheeks because it was the first time shushant looked at me like that.....with a satisfaction in his eyes.

But soon this moment was disturbed when suddenly shikha started coughing really bad and shushant once again shifted his attention to her offering her water and rubbing her back ......and her top was backless ....this was too much and I stood up.

I moved towards her and rubbed her back instead removing his hand off her and surprisingly she stopped coughing instantly as  my hand did some magic...

Huh! do it was an act .what a bitch!

"Sorry actually the food is too spicy and it went into my wind pipe" she said as if in pain.

"But Shika-" I started but was intrupted by shushant saying.
"Shradha try making good less spicy from Tomorrow for now I'll make something for her"

"Oh how sweet of you shushant, thank you" she said and saying that she hugged him.

What the!

And before I could stop him he went towards kitchen.

"I'll help him. I'm sure even I can make something real quick for shushant because I'm sure shushant would want to eating something else too" she smiled and followed him.

Standing alone for a moment I looked down at her plate and took a piece of salad on which she was munching.

No spice at all obviously how can a salad be spicy ?!

Well played ......

Game on then
And with that thought in my mind I fisted my fist and stormed into the kitchen to see them laughing at some joke while shushant trying to cut some carrots and shikha sitting on the kitchen slab.

"Shushant" I called him
He looked at me and guess what he cut his finger by mistake.
I rushed to him and dragged him to the tap and washed hi finger.
Not knowing where the first aid kit would be I started applying raw  turmeric powder on it which was kept in the drawer all the while his gaze fixed on ne and I just ignored looking at him.
" Shradha what are you doing ...let me get a first aid kit" she said and ran out of the kitchen.
And It stungvwgen I realised she knew where the furst aid kit was ... meaning she has come here before and knows this place well enough.

"I will prepare sandwiches for both of you. Go wait in the dinning area"

"Not for me I'm fine with the food you prepared.'' he said softly.

And I finally looked at him.
Our gaze met and I was lost in his eyes trying to read him but  he turned his eyes before I could reach his soul.

"I'm back, here"shikha came back intrupting us and proceeded to do his first aid Even though he said that he was fine with the turmeric paste.

In the mean time I continued making special sandwitches for the lady and they continued talking with Shikha's annoying fake giggles in between..

I just hurried up , I just want to lay down , I'm done with today.

"Done! I'm going to bed now"
I said not looking at them.

"But have dinner first, you didn't finished the dinner"Shushant said and it was for the first time he showed concern about me eating.
And it reminded my first day after the wedding and my eyes teared up. It's so difficult to understand him.

I was about to deny
But shikha decided to open her mouth

"Let her be shushant , she must be tired. Thankyou shradha for the sandwitches" she said turning to me then returned her gaze back to him and wrapped her hand around her arm.

And that was the moment I realised I can't leave them Alone .....call it jelousy or whatever but after knowing she is poking her nose between us I have to push her away.

And game just started.

"Actually I am hungry so let's go back to the dinner and then we can call it a night."I smiled and held shushant's hand and dragged him towards dining are with a smile on my face

And she  failed to notice that shushant was staring at their hands as she held on him for the fist time. And the thought brought a small smile on his lips..... barely noticeable and it's there.

ARRANGED (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin