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I choked "What!"

"Listen, I'm ok if you're homophobic or something I just felt like telling you."

"You dumbass I'm not fucking homophobic! I'm happy for you!" 


"Yeah! How'd you find out?"

"There's this guy... he goes to our school.  He treats me well and everything." 

"Tell me!!!"

"I can't, it's a secret relationship."

"Red flag."

"No, no. He's gay he's made it clear, it's just he doesn't know how his friends will react and how his boss will take it. He has a very... masculine job and he believes if he comes out to them they'll fire him." 


"Y-yeah. I'm just happy that like we're on the same page."

"Me too, you need to meet Mary. You'd adore her."


"Yeah she worked at the same strip club I worked at, she's my bestfriend. Come over! We can have like a bestfriend night!"

"Uh... sure why not?"

"Cool! See ya!" I hung up and Levi started to stir in his sleep "Oh I'm sorry did I wake you up?" He groaned in response.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Uh... Ethan." He gripped tighter around me "H-he's gay."

"Oh, good for him."

"We're having a friends night!" 

"Ok... I have to go to work." I pat him on the head as he got out of bed and changed back into his clothes. "Thank you.... I haven't slept in ages." I nodded as he walked out, I've never been in his room before. I didn't want to be weird so I just walked out but Caleb caught me.

"Had fun?"

"Shut up! I just helped him sleep."

"He slept!?"

"Uh yeah, it wasn't that hard." He nodded and walked away, I wanted to bake fuck that I needed to bake. I walked down to the kitchen and once I started I couldn't stop, I was so focused that I didn't realize the door bell was ringing. Jacob answered it and in came Ethan and Mary, they seemed to have been talking. Mary kissed Jacob but I continued to bake.

"Babes, calm down." Mary said taking my hand, I pouted.

"On more.... pwease!!" I gave her puppy dog eyes

"Fine... one!" I smiled and baked my last brownie batch, once it was done I was proud. 

"Time to feed the guards! Ethan wanna help? Mary is going to be busy with Jacob for a while." He nodded 

"You bake?"

"Uh yeah I used to work at a café, I bake to get my mind off of things. I also workout but baking is is more fun."

He nodded "Teach me one day yeah? Also where are your clothes." 

"I need to show off my beautiful abs and I want my skin to breathe." We went out to the guard and the first person I saw was my favorite. "Elijah!!!" He turned and gave me a smile

"Hey Amelia! You got some baked goods?" I nodded 

"You always get first pick because you're my favorite guard." 



It's been abut 30 minutes and we finally finished giving the food to the guards, Mary joined us half way. "We're going to the office now... well we have to go see the new kids which ae probably also in the office." Mary said

Ethan knocked on the door, we heard a grumpy 'Come in'. I swung the door open to reveal all the boys and new kids. "Hello!!! I bakes sweets!!"

"Ah you're the best Amelia!" I noticed Ethan looked nervous and so did Caleb, Caleb was eyeing Ethan and Ethan would sneak a quick look and look away. You kidding me right now.... CALEB! I took one box and specially delivered it to my mad grumpy Levi.

"Le..." He looked up at me and his eyes softened "Food. Eat."

"I don't eat sweets." He growled

"Did you just growl at me!"

"And what if I did?!" He snapped back

"No goodies from you you grumpy pants!!! No cuddles either!!! No touch!!! No nothing!!!! You're too buff you need fat!!!" I stomped away

"I'm sorry..." I shoved a cookie in his mouth and he just sent me a grin. Everyone looked shocked at what just happened. 

"Don't apologize! Actions not words!!" I put the box on his desk "Thank you for eating the cookie." I gave him a kiss on the cheek

"If I eat a cookie do I get a kiss?!" I heard Karl tease, Levi was staring daggers at him.

"No." He replied

"Maybe." I replied


We were back in my room and Ethan's face was red "Caleb." I said and then he shot up "I knew it!!! The guy you're dating is Caleb!!" I yelled, Mary snapped her head


"No-no you're wrong..."

"No I'm right!!! That's why you said masculine job!! Yes yes yes yes I ship!!" 

"Please don't tell anyone..."

"Circle of trust." Mary said, I nodded and he smiled.

"He's really nice to me... I only ever noticed him when we hung out. I thougt I was bi, so I wasn't gay when we had intrest in each other but everytime he came around I would blush because he would just look at me. I guess he knew we didn't really like each other because that week you were gone pulled me into an empty classroom and made out with me.... which lead to..."

"To what bitch!" Mary snapped

"He gave me head.... then he asked if he could take me on a date. I said yes, we hung out more. We already had sex, but he makes it clear that he'd not only in it for that."

"Caleb is a good guy.... I very mch approve. But is he fully gay? or bi because I've seen him with girls."

"He... uh.... he's gay for me.... but other than that he's straight. It might not make sense but... I'm the only guy he would date. He said it was something about me that made him attractive to me, I don't know..."

"That is so effing cute oh my god." Mary said "Tease him."


"Tease him, I have Jacob to tease, Lia has Levi and you now have Caleb. There's a pool, get trunks, you have a killer body and Lia has some hot ass bikinis." I grinned at the idea

"Mary you're the smartest bitch I've met." 

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