Nervous and Excited

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The case clicks as I lock it and I set it by my other supplies

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The case clicks as I lock it and I set it by my other supplies. I'm finally ready to pick Harp up for our date. For once, everything feels... right. The future will always remain a mystery but I am going to enjoy these times I have with her. I've realized that I'm in the days I'm going to look back on someday and miss.

This is it.

I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Harp has done something to me. It's been accumulating over the years. Her love has given me a place where I can just be. We've been fighting this for years and now that we've opened the doors I can't let it go.

I have to have her.

All of her.

...And He's Back (Book One, Breaking Open Series)Where stories live. Discover now