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Angelina stared at the ceiling of her bedroom while laying in bed.

It's been two days since Evelina fainted. She recovered rather quickly. There were no trace of anything wrong with her. But it only made Angelina more suspicious.

Evelina has been acting weird these past two days. Evelina was always looking at her...

When Angelina would turn to face her gaze, Evelina would immediately turn away and pretend nothing happened.

Evelina still acted like her usual self....in a way..

She still acted innocent, naive, and kind-hearted. But also seems slightly more mature.

Angelina sighed. She's too tired to think right now. Ever since her debut, she's been receiving a lot of invitations from nobles. She even received a few 'love letters' from young men.

Angelina's gaze fell upon a pile of letters on the floor and smirked.

The next day during breakfast, Angelina once again caught Evelina staring at her.

But this time she just let her keep staring.

"It truly reliefs me that you've recovered quickly Eve" the duchess said with a tone filled with motherly love.

"I'm sorry I have worried you, mother." Evelina's expression was extremely apologetic. One could barely notice it was fake.

"....." Angelina stole a glance of Evelina and retreated her gaze after a moment.

"Eve, I heard viscountess Aurabella's son invited you to a ball" the duke said with interest.

"Oh yes! The autumn ball" Evelina said exclaimed with excitement.

"Well will you be attending?" Alex asked as he cuts a piece of his steak.

"Of course. If I decline, he would think I'm rude"

"Hahaha! That's my daughter!" The duke let out a bark of laughter.

"Pfft..." Angelina sneered and rolled her eyes. Catching sight of that, Evelina's smile twitched and brows furrowed.

"Is something wrong my dear sister?" Angelina turned to Evelina and smiled.

"...... it's nothing...sister.." Evelina slowly revealed a smile.

"Did you receive an invitation sister?" Evelina asked with a pure smile on her face.

Angelina's eyes squinted. Was Evelina trying to embarrass her since she did not receive an invitation? Or did she not mean anything by her words..?

Angelina was conflicted. These past day, Evelina has been strangely acting nice and close to her....

All the compliments Evelina gave her were not filled with hidden meaning. But Angelina could not accept it. There was no way Evelina was just suddenly nice to her.

"Unfortunately, I did not receive one. But it's alright sister. I have been invited to lady Rienne's tea party." Angelina said without the slightest bit of disappointment or sadness in her face.

"........" Evelina obviously understood the hidden meaning in Angelina's words. Although she wasn't invited to the autumn ball held by Rulias, she was invited by the daughter from the Balloria family. Someone who was worlds apart from Rulias in status.

The Aurabella family could only dream of having as much power as the Ballorias.

Evelina's heart hardened, but her smile remained the same.

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