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Warning: tiny little smut scene, kind of?

"Levi, is everything alright?" Erwin asked his friend as the three of them were trying to focus on their plates, Hanji had finally managed to get the black-haired man to accept their invitation to lunch.

But his mind was totally off, it had been since that day.

When he got home, after your fight, he couldn't imagine what you had done. He knew you were stubborn and very proud, but he didn't think you would've left without any warning. He had called your name after entering the house, he did that multiple times until he realized you weren't there.

And not only you, but most of your stuff was also gone too. The clothes in your wardrobe were just a few and they were all the ones he had bought for you, if that wasn't a goodbye, he didn't know what it was.

He waited, hoping you would come back the second you realized you couldn't live without him, you were without money and a place to live, what would you be doing? He debated all night about calling you, your name was impressed on his screen as his fingers were shaking not knowing what to do.

Had he called you? No, fuck no. You didn't need him? Good, he didn't need you as well. He would've just waited and seen how much it the time it took you to call him crying asking for forgiveness.

"Everything is fine." He answered, his grip tightened around his glass as he took a sip of water. "Why?"

Hanji eyed him worried. "You've been rather silent these few days." She pointed out and looked at Erwin unsure of what to say.

Levi groaned and ignored the comment as he tried to concentrate on the plate in front of him, he knew his friends weren't going to let it go that easily, that's the main reason why he didn't want them to meet you in the first place.

"Levi, you can talk to us." Erwin decided to open the discussion, there wasn't much to lose and, even if Levi was a very reserved person, he wanted to help him. "We know what happened."

"You don't know shit." He snapped, why did he think that going out with those two would've been a good idea? He just needed a distraction. Even work seemed useless, everything he did kept remind him of you, your tender smile, your high pitch laugh, and the way you would grab his hand to look for some comfort.

Erwin sighed. "Y/n left." He said all of a sudden causing Levi's eyes to go wide for a brief second, he hadn't told anyone so how could they know? "I helped her moving out." The blonde man explained and Levi clenched his jaw ready to insult him. "I just wanted to help."

"How the fuck is that helping?" He asked angrily, the fact that Erwin didn't stop you from leaving him made him feel betrayed. Levi didn't want to admit to himself that he needed you, but you were the girl he got attached to, he liked you and the truth was... he might have fallen for you, but he was too scared to acknowledge those feelings.

"She was crying."

"So what? People cry everyday! She cries every day!" He snorted trying to keep his cool.

Hanji frowned looking at her friend, never had she seen him acting that way, not for a girl anyway. "Why don't you explain to us what happened between the two of you? It was going very well, you were happy."

"I am happy."

"Not anymore, you're angrier than the usual." She frowned remembering all the times he had scolded his employees over stupid things, he even ignored most of his friends. "C'mon, I'm good with relationship advice."

"We were not in a relationship," Levi replied slowly taking another bite of his lasagnas, but were you? It was an unspoken thing, even if you hadn't a label, it was kind of obvious for him that you were very important to him and you couldn't see other men out of him. "Not that should care anyway, that was our business." 

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