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Amane kept on running. Sprinting down on a dark deer track as if his life depends on it. Repeating her name, over and over again.

'(Y/n)... (Y/n)... (Y/n)... It's all right. I remember. I'll never forget.'

Finally, through the gaps in the trees, Amane began catching the glimpses of the lights of Itomori. The wind carried  faint, scattered snatches of festival music. Amane could practically hear it.

'(Y/n)... (Y/n)... (Y/n)...'

Looking up at the sky, the Comet Tiamat was there. Shining brighter than the moon, the long tail trailing behind it. The terror nearly made Amane recoil, but he then scream her name and stomped it down. His resolve to see her again one day was strong. He have to live in order for that to happen.

'Your name is (Y/n)!'

Amane hear the sound of a scooter. He raised his head to see a headlight came up over the slope and shone right in his eyes.

"Kou!" Amae shouted, running up to it.

"Amane! Where the heck have you been?!"

Kou sounded like he was scolding him. But Amane really can't explain. Kou was still in his school uniform with the sleeves rolled up, and he wad wearing a helmet with a big light attached to it. Amane then gave him, (Y/n)'s message.

"She said she broke your bike, and she's sorry."

"Huh? Who did?"

"I did!"

Kou's eyebrows furrow, but he shutted off the scooter's engine and turns on his helmet light without a word. He broke into a run. "You better gimme the whole story later!" He said in a loud, rough voice.

'Itomori Substation-Company-Owned Land: Keep Out.' Was what the plate on the chain-link fence. Beyond it were transformers and steel towers formed a complicated silhouette. It was an unmanned facility. The only lights Amane could see were the red lamps on machinery here and there.

"That thing is coming down? For real?!" Kou asked, looking up at the sky.

The two boys were now in front of the substation's chain-link fence, gazing at the glittering comet.

"It will! I saw it happen!"

As he spoke, Amane stared at the blonde straight in the eye. They only got two hours until it falls. There was no time to explain.

For a moment, Kou looked dubious. Then he suddenly grinned. His smile looked like something he had mustered out of sheer desperation. "You saw it, huh?! Then I guess we've gotta do this!"

Kou practically ripped opens his sports bag. It was stuffed with tubes that look like race batons wrapped in brown paper. Water-gel explosives. Amane gulped as Kou took out a big bolt cutter and set the blades against the chain wrapped around the substation gate.

"Amane. If we do this, there's no going back." Kou warned.

"Please. I'll take all the responsibility."

"Moron! That's not what I'm asking about!" You told him sounds angry. "Well, we're both criminals now!"

He cut the chain and the loud rattle shattered the darkness.

"When the power in town goes out, the school should switch over to the emergency generator right away! You'll be able to use the broadcasting equipment then!"

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