Death Ends A Life, Not A Relationship

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12 years later

"JORDYN!!!" He shouted "JORDYN WHERE ARE YOU!" He continued to shout. "I'm over here" I replied "Jordyn, are you okay?" He asked "Um, I don't know. Does my leg look okay?" I asked "What did you do?" He answered "I stepped in a trap again" I replied "Which one?" He questioned " The bunny trap. I stepped on the trigger and it closed and the locks went into my leg" I explained "That's twice this week, we gotta change it" He explained "We can't, then it's gonna be on the wrong path. And we need to hunt" I explained in pain. The locks that would close the cage and lock it for us to grab without our prey being able to run. But I hit the trigger and the locks that would go into the top of the cage to lock it, stabbed me. Making me scream in pain, when Elijah heard me scream he panicked.

Elijah has been a friend of mine ever since my parents left. I went out to the lake and I fell in, knowing how to swim I swam down the creek a bit. But what I didn't know was what was down about 20 feet was a rock wall that covered half the stream. The only thing was that I couldn't stop myself from hitting it. As I panicked getting closer and closer to the wall I tried multiple times to grab a rock or a branch, but nothing could hold me in place cause the current was flowing too fast! When I was about 5 feet from the wall, that's when I finally decided to just try and move around it, why did I not think of this before? I don't know. But at this point I could move out of the way. Before I knew it, I hit the wall. I hit it so hard it knocked me out. The next thing I knew I woke up on the shore line and Elijah was holding my head trying to get me to breath. He didn't know if I was alive or dead when he found me, but I was breathing. He said that as he tried to wake me up that's when I stopped breathing. "Well, how deep did it go into your leg?" He asked "I don't know, but I don't believe it hit my bone" I explained "Well, that's good" He finished. We knew we had to stop hunting and kept our prey come to us, but there was one problem. We have known to not be the closest friends with Poachers who come out here to hunt and collect animals for trade. We have always had problems with Poachers stealing our hunt. But we have come to reveal that if you try to protect your prey, from Poachers. They will begin to hunt you but not for trade, but to get you out of the picture.

We call him Scar, but his name is Sean. Sean Sparrow. He has been a Poacher ever since his dad started, Sean started when he was 11. Which made me 12, he's a year younger than me. Even before my dad left, he never liked Sean. He would always say that Sean started too early. I had to learn by myself how to hunt. Sean had an early start that made him stubborn, he had an idol to help him and someone to teach him the technique of a hunter. Where I didn't. I didn't have a role model, or an idol, I was alone stranded in a forest with no one to turn to for guidance or technique. My siblings grew up with parents. I grew up most of my life, alone. But when I met Elijah, he had already run into Sean's dad once or twice. And Sean's dad was a nice guy to me and Elijah at first. But eventually he just turned on us. He started kicking us out of dinner early, stealing our fish and trying to hurt us.. Me at least. He never wanted to hurt Elijah, not even now. He targets me, like I'm a problem. Like me surviving out here, is forbidden in his little world that he lives in. The way I see it, we have to play by his rules and his game or we can't play at all. Elijah has never been a threat to Sean, but for some unknown reason, I've always been one. He doesn't have a reason to make me a threat but he also says he doesn't need one. If he doesn't like you, then he doesn't like you.If he wants to kill you, then he wants to kill you. He has no reason and he doesn't have one. He does what he wants, when he wants and how he wants to do it. No one can tell him different, no one can have any say in what he does. No one except his father. He stated that if anything happened to his father he wouldn't do anything. Why? No one knows. He doesn't allow judge mental into his life when you ask him to explain himself. He thinks he is some tough guy. But he's like a bear, but like a teddy bear came to life and had teeth. That's how vicious, And that's not really much to worry about. 

We have beat him 20 times in the past, and I will do it again and again. Elijah liked Sean before all this started. But now, he can't stand him. Why you may ask. Because if Sean puts my life in danger then Elijah will not stand for it. He doesn't just do it for me. He does it for everybody who he cares about. If Elijah or I get hurt, we usually drop everything to get them out of their situation but Sean just left me. When I was a kid I got attacked n=by a cougar, up in the mountains. He didn't help me. He just stood there and watched me bleed. When Elijah came, he stood there while Elijah tried to get me up and off the mountain. I was bleeding for days. Multiple times Sean would come and undo my bandages so my wounds were exposed. Hours would go by and my wounds would be exposed. Elijah would constantly change them but Sean always took off my bandages. He tried to kill me by dunking my wounds in poison ivy water. We had the poison to scare away predators but he dunked my arm in it. Causing me to seize and start bleeding profusely. I was screaming in pain while Elijah tried to help me and Sean just stood there and watched as the water turned redder and redder by the second. Elijah knew he did it so he confronted him once I got better. To this day my arms still have to have special plants mixed and crushed into a medicine to heal what he did. Not only was it poison ivy, but poison ivy gives me more than just a rash, it can cause my stitches to tear if they touch it because my skin starts to peel. I know it's gory but I'm just saying, that's the side effects of poison ivy But no one gets even close to hurting me or Elijah anymore. No one will. And no one can.

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