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For a while, we follow closely behind Jake's Mazda that is heading back to the fraternity house. The radio is quietly playing some local station as we drive, and Tanner's window is down slightly, letting in the cool Californian breeze.

Every so often, he glances in my direction, looking like he wants to say something, but each time he focuses his attention back on the road and carries on driving. I can see a small smile is written across his face, and I'm happy that he isn't in a bad mood after losing the game.

As I look out of the windshield, wondering where we're going to be heading to, I watch the stars twinkling across the sky. The nights have been drawing in closer recently. A subtle signal that winter is fast approaching. The thought of this makes my mind wander, and I think about my Christmas plans with Tanner. It's less than three weeks away, and I still haven't bought him a gift yet. I'm still trying to figure out what to get him because he has absolutely everything. He even has more clothes than me!

Luckily, my parents are easier to shop for, and I've scheduled their gifts to arrive when I get back home. Hopefully, when I am home and have time to go Christmas shopping again, I'll find something that's perfect for him.

We finalized our plans yesterday on what days we'll be spending together over the vacation. Tanner said he'll drive over to my house at some point in the afternoon to celebrate Christmas day with me, and for New Year's Eve, we'll spend it at his. That way, both of our families will have quality time with us. When we came to this conclusion, I joked that we've become a proper couple.

The feeling of the car braking breaks me from my thoughts, and I see that we're stopped at a set of stoplights. While Jake's lights are signaling to go right, Tanner flicks the turn signal to go left. He notices my reaction to seeing us going our separate ways, and he takes my hand and kisses it. "I have something else in mind for us this weekend, baby."

I feign surprise and smile. "What are we doing?"

"We're going for a little vacation along the coast. I thought we could do with a few relaxing days after all the shit that's been going on recently. And I want you to be calm as possible before you take your exams on Wednesday."

He kisses my hand again and then puts the car in first as the stoplights turn green.

"That sounds heavenly. What will be in? A hotel?"

He shakes his head and turns the car left on the road, driving us away from the others. "No. I've rented a small beach house. It'll be too cold to go for a swim at this time of year, but the view is spectacular."

I splutter. "Tanner, that must have cost so much! How can you pay for it?"

He briefly takes his eyes off the road to look at me and pats my leg. "Don't you worry about the cost, babe. I want to do this for you." He looks back at the road and puts his foot down as he joins the highway.

"I've saved up over the years from spending my summers working at my dad's company. I might as well put my money to good use."

I stare at him in awe. I can't believe he's gone to so much effort. When Ben told me about his plan earlier, I was expecting a hotel or some small Airbnb. Not this.

"Thank you. No one's ever done anything like this for me before."

He squeezes my leg. "I'm glad to hear that. And just so you know, you're the first girl I've ever taken away for a vacation."

That fact alone makes my heart swell, and I smile from ear to ear. I relax the rest of the drive to the coast, and as Tanner pulls into the small road that leads up to the several beach houses dotted along the beach, he rubs slow circles on my leg with his long fingers, which drives me crazy. I clench my thighs together from the tingling sensations he's creating, and I turn my head away and bite my nail to stop the moan from escaping my throat.

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