Infinity: Part 1

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It was the afternoon. The sun was high over the horizon of New York as a bus full of Midtown School of Science and Technology Students were carted from the Museum of Modern Art. The loud and boisterous sounds of the students sitting around Peter Parker and Lena Potts echoed off the scratched windows, but they paid no mind. Lena's head rested affectionately on Peter's shoulder, both of them sharing a pair of earbuds to listen to whatever 80s music Peter had decided to introduce to her this week.

The past few weeks since prom had been peaceful, other than the nightmares. They had been going on their routine patrols, fighting crime, saving New York citizens from burglaries, pulling cats out of trees, and even signing a few autographs. It was almost relaxing.

However the nightmares had only gotten worse, and Lena was unsure as to why. She used to be plagued by her sisters taunting her every night, reminding her of the so-called "betrayal" she had forced onto them. Now, every night, she found herself and Peter on a barren planet, alone. It was a strange state to be in, a menacing aura creeping around every corner. Every time she thought she found the origin of it, she would wake, body damp with sweat. During the nights that Peter was there, he would stroke her hair gently, reminding her that she was safe and everyone was okay, but something in her chest told her that this was not the case. Something larger than anyone was used to was slowly approaching. She was worried that it was a battle that not even the Avengers were ready for. Not that they had been in the best of shape, anyway. The Hulk had vanished years before she had even met Tony Stark. Steve Rogers seemed like a mirage of Tony's past, and without them left Clint Barton who seemed to have retired, and Natasha who appeared to have taken Steve's side. She had met The Vision and Wanda Maximoff once, but they had left recently to be on their own (a scheme that Tony was not too pleased with). Lena still was not certain of all the details, but it wasn't something she was too interested with. She knew her place in the scheme of saving the world, and it didn't feel like herself or Peter would be a part of it, despite her nightmares begging to differ.

Still, she had just witnessed some of the world's greatest art for the first time, having to hide the excitement from her fellow classmates who had grown used to the familiar museum. It was still an experience she got to share with the closest people in her life, and it had put a positive spin on her day. Her nightmare from the previous night's sleep had been especially grueling, and she hadn't had Peter there to calm her down. She had to swim in her pool for almost two hours before giving up on returning to sleep and getting ready for the school day ahead. Luckily, she didn't need that much sleep to begin with.

She was about to comment on the song they were listening to, when she sensed Peter's "spider-sense" jolt. The hair on his arms stood straight on its ends, and he turned to look out the window, where they saw it.

It was a spaceship. The first that Lena had seen, the second occasion that Peter had witnessed a foreign aircraft. It was circular in shape, and the word doughnut flashed across Peter's thoughts. Swiftly turning to her, he did not have to speak for her to know what to do next. With the parting of her lips, a sweet melody clouded the heads of everyone around her as Peter unlatched the window and leapt out, shoving his mask onto his face to hide his identity, knowing that he would need to take the time to adorn his full suit when he was not attached to the side of a moving bus. Lena followed his actions, not halting her singing, by latching her goggles over her eyes, and throwing on the new pair of gloves and boots that Tony had developed for her only a week prior. After the incident on the roof, they knew that she was going to need some sort of flight maneuver. She had spent almost every night in the training center, practicing her flight skills, sparring with Peter to incorporate her newfound advantage, and occasionally taking a midnight flight "test run." They just so happened to have seen this doughnut-shaped spaceship in the center of a bridge. Peter would swing his way into the city, while Lena would have to "Iron Man" her way there.

the siren |peter parker x siren!oc|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें