Chapter 9

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When I woke up, I found I was a little too comfortable which was weird for me. I lifted my head, coming face to face with Sterling who was still asleep. I was on top of him, literally, both my legs on each side of his body.

He was so peaceful, so at ease, not at all afraid that at some point during the night I could have had a nightmare and mistook him for one of the men that I see in them. I could have hurt him, bad, but he wasn't fazed at all. He simply let me in, easily with nothing holding him back.

I wish I could be like that and maybe one day I will be.

I carefully got up, sneaking out of the bedroom and into my new one, dressing into something comfortable before grabbing my phone and heading outside. It was six in the morning and seeing how I am free to do as I please, it was easy to leave pack grounds and head into the nearby town where I live and work, it wasn't far by any means.

For a moment, I thought of how I could simply leave everything behind, I could be out of the state and build a whole new life by noon. My hand made its way to my mark and I sighed, the emotions burning inside of me, reminding me that it wouldn't be so easy, not anymore.

I made it to my destination, the gym was already full of people who wanted to get their work out in before work, class, or any other activities that were planned for the day.

"Millicent!" Carmen was shocked to see me back so soon but smiled anyway. "I wasn't expecting to see you back here for quite some time."

"I wasn't expecting to be back," I answered truthfully. As usual, she didn't question me, she didn't pry, she simply went with it.

"Okay, well, I was just about to take over your classes this morning, but you're here so. . ." She motioned for me to get right to work and I happily did so.

I've been wanting to punch something lately, and walls aren't always gonna cut it, that's why I'm here. I'm here to work, to think, to let go of my anger and new feelings I need to work through. I readied the equipment for each individual trainee I have, all of them are different.

"Morning!" My first trainee walked in, Hallie. She comes for one on one combat and self-defense. I've been training her for a few months now and she's gotten really good. Her skills will never beat my own, I would never get her to go that far, that'd be inhumane.

"You ready?" I asked, wrapping my hands.

Then, I got to work.

"Again!" I pulled Hallie up, sweat already drenching her clothes while I was completely fine.

"You're going a lot harder than usual." She muttered, wiping sweat off her brow.

"It's time that you progress. Again." I tell her.

So we fought, her swings were sloppy and I took the time in between her slowness to let my mind wander. I thought of my life, plans I had that I probably won't get a chance to do, my new life, Evander, that child, what's his story?

I pinned Hallie down on her back, "Again."

I thought of Xenna, where she is, how I can possibly find her, it wasn't right what she did, uprooting me from my life of contentment, but she did it to secure the future, my future and in doing so, I'm now trapped, struggling to choose between my new life and all I've wanted.

And what I want. . . what do I want?

I was shocked when Hallie's fist met my face. I stumbled backward, stunned at the contact. I moved my jaw, looking at her with shock. She gasped, putting her hands over her mouth.

"Millicent, I'm so sorry." She told me, reaching out to her but I shook my head.

"Don't be, that's better. Again." I say, getting back to focusing on the session.

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