Chapter Forty-One - First Date

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Reece's POV


I can't believe this is happening. I must be dreaming. Because there is absolutely no way that Layla Stevens actually has feelings for me.

But we kissed. And that felt too fúcking real to be a dream. So, she actually, seriously likes me. All of my dreams have come true.

"You're fúcking with me, right?" Liam flat out laughs in my face, bending over with the force of his laughter, "There's no way you worked up the balls to tell her!"

"I did." I reply flatly, leaning back into the couch and taking a sip of my soda.

"Finally," Mark mutters, shaking his head, "The two of you have been pining over each other for months. It's about fúcking time."

"Months?" I ask, eyes wide, "Both of us?"

"Of course," he shrugs casually, "Layla tells Amanda everything and she never hides anything from me. Layla knows this obviously, but I'm no snitch. Layla told Amanda about her feelings for you the day we arrived in New York, but Amanda's had a feeling since..." He shakes his head slightly, "Homecoming probably."

I almost spit out my drink, "Homecoming?"

"Calm down, man," Mark chuckles, "You're really telling me you had no idea?"

"You think I would have waited this long if I knew?"

"Back it up, guys. I'm still over here trying to figure out how Reece was the one that made the first move." Liam exasperates, staring between Mark and I with wide eyes.

"That did shock me as well, I'll be honest," Mark agrees.

"You guys really don't think I'd have the guts to do that?"

"I don't think it's about that. It's more about you putting your friendship with Layla first. You'd never do anything to risk losing her. And you thought that telling her would make her leave." Mark replies.

"It's kind of creepy how spot on that was."

Mark only laughs at my statement, "Between Amanda and I, we've seen pretty much this entire relationship progress. I'm not kidding when I say my girlfriend knows everything."

"So where are you gonna take her on your date?" Liam asks, sitting further forward in his seat on the arm chair.

I look down at my drink, smiling softly to myself. "I think I have something in mind."


"You're an ásshole, did you know that?"

"I didn't, actually. Thanks for letting me know."

"You're welcome. It needed to be said eventually."

"True. Honesty is the best policy, as they say."

"Who's they?"

"I don't actually know."

"Right. Anyway, back to the point: You're an ásshole."

"We have established that now, Sunshine."

"You should have learned after I ended up crying on the floor of my apartment when you showed up in New York, that I hate surprises."

"Can you sit through just this last one? We'll be there soon."

Layla huffs, trying to hide her smile from me as she crosses her arms and turns to look out of the window, away from me. "Fine. You owe me."

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