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Sierra POV and outift

"Dave are you ready now?"I said walking into the room

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"Dave are you ready now?"I said walking into the room

He was sitting on the bed with his headphones in listening to a beat

"Dave"I said tapping him to get his attention

"David Brewster I understand you are serious and devoted to your music,but baby take a break and let's go and eat,I'm ready before you and so are the kids"I said trying to stay calm

"Ight baby 5 more minutes I promise"he pleaded

"Nope we are leaving in 20 minutes no 5 nothing available"I said taking his phone and earphones

He groaned and got up to take a shower.

I put on my jacket and grabbed my bag before going going downstairs.

I unlocked the 7 seater Tesla and put my bag on the drivers seat as I'm driving.

I called the kids and told them to get into the car.

Dave was finally finished and coming down the stairs."Where my phone at ma?"dave asked me

"Your not getting it till after dinner"I said picking up Kairi

"What! Why"he asked

"Because I said so now pick up Israel and let's go"I said grabbing the diaper bag

I put Kairi in her car seat and put the bag in the trunk.

I got in the drivers seat and Dave buckled Israel in.Once he got in I waited for him to put on his seatbelt.

"What you waitin foe let's go"he said looking at me

"Bae put your seatbelt on"

"Imma nigga we don't wear seatbelt what's that?"he replied

"Then we not going no where"I said turning off the engine

He looked at me some more before putting it on.I smiled satisfied

I pulled out the drive way and drove to the restaurant we were eating at.

We had to book the whole upstairs because our group was that big.

We got out the car and got the stroller for Kairi since Israel was gonna walk.

We met up with the others and greeted each other before going inside and getting escorted up the lift to our tables.

We sat down and began talking whilst ordering drink and looking for what we was eating.

"Hey I'm jasmine your waiter for tonight are you ready to order?"she asked

We gave her our orders and she left.

I needed to use the bathroom and Kairi's diaper needed to get changed so I picked up the car seat and went to the toilet.

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