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"So Jackson, how's everything?" Ronny cups my shoulder before taking a seat beside me in the school cafeteria. I raise a brow and glance at his hand, which is now on my shoulder.

"I'm alright.....why?" I narrow my eyes.

"Just asking. To see how our best bud is doing." Justin interferes before taking the seat on my right.

"Okay seriously, what is up with the both of you? Why are you cornering me?" I inquire suspiciously.

"No no no. We aren't cornering you. We're just checking up on you." Ronny smiles sheepishly. Justin on the other hand is holding a face that says that he is dragged down into a task he doesn't wanna do at all.

"Ohh alright then." I shrug nonchalantly, giving them the satisfaction of my now abandoned suspicion.

"How're things with Rosie?" Justin beams. I clench my jaw and glared at him, balling my fist.

"I-I's Rose?" He corrects himself.

"Okay cut the crap. What is it that you two need? Just stop fucking around the bush and tell me." I snap.

"Alright alright! We just feel that you shouldn't be with Rosie anymore." Ronny says before scraping his chair away from mine.

"And why the fuck wouldn't I?" I deadpan.

"Okay Jackson, before you start going all defensive, I Just wanna say that this was all his idea! I had nothing to do with it I swear!" Justin panics.

"Jesus Christ just come to the damn point already." I rub my temples. I look at Ronny in the eye and ask lowly.

"Why do you think I shouldn't be with her?" Ronny visibly gulps before blurting out something he never should have.

"She's gotten really fat."

I didn't delay the well deserved punch even by a second. Before Ronny could decipher my next move, I push him to the ground and start punching him square in the face.

"FUCK! Jackson get off of him. You're gonna kill him." Justin screams as he tries to hold me back. But I wasn't having any of it. I really had to appreciate Ronny's audacity of coming to me, with such a preposterous reason to break up with the love of my life. I don't give a fuck if she's fat or thin. I couldn't care less about the numerous 'blemishes' people claim that Rosie has or the fact that my pretty little girl cannot remember her way back home since she is horrible at memorising directions.
I don't want the pretty package that comes along with Rosie. I just want my Rosie. The real, raw, original Rosie.

"Oh my God! Jackson, what's going on?" A soft voice interrupts my trance. I for once, let go of the mother fucker who I was beating to pulp. I get off of him and turn my complete attention to the gorgeous girl standing before me.

"Why are you beating him?" Rosie gasps in horror. I internally smile when I see her now chubby face flushed with terror. What Ronny said was true, Rosie did gain weight after the summer break. But that doesn't give him the prerogative to disrespect my girl. I can't believe that my own friend was so narrow minded. I don't understand what's the obsession people have with outward appearances. Why can't people for once, not judge a person based on the way they look? Is letting yourself go and gaining a few pounds such a big sin?

I grab her face in my hands and smash my lips against hers without having a care in the world that the whole school is having their eyes on us. Rosie clutches my bicep to push me away but I wasn't having any of it. The mere thought that snickering comments about her body would obliterate her confidence scares me. I don't want my baby to be self deprecating. She has to know her worth, and that how beautiful she is.....inside out. There isn't a single thing I would wanna change about her. Never.

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