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Before I fell into the world of hope, I never truly knew what it was. What is hope anyway? The dictionary defines hope as follows; a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. But what does this mean? I was always satisfied with this definition, because my mind was not inquisitive enough to care.

I stumbled across my first real example of hope on Instagram, of all places. I accidentally ended up on the blog of a mother whose son was fighting cancer. At the time, I knew little or nothing about cancer. But being oblivious cannot help anyone. As I scrolled through these pictures, I was shocked.

My first reaction was to be appalled. The kind of horrors the child had to endure simply blew my mind. But as I was connected to more and more stories of children fighting cancer, another thought emerged in my head. I could not fathom the bravery, strength, and courage that these young fighters had in their thin and frail bodies. I wondered how a child - the person I would expect to be most vulnerable - could be so strong?

The answer finally came to me only after diving in headfirst into the world of these children. Hope. The only way a child could survive was to have hope. And the hope in their hearts was so overwhelming that I shed a tear.

After advocating for children with cancer for almost a year, I can wholeheartedly tell you what hope means. Hope; The little voice inside you telling you to never give up, because better days are coming. Hope; the thing that lives in the hearts of children fighting huge battles.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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