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RULES (Quite simple actually):

⊱┊In a world of shit and fucks, there would always be a stereotype Ken and Karen. So we'd really appreciate it if you be polite and respectful at all cost. Please. I'm begging you.

⊱┊We absolutely do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, sectarianism, and other hateful shit. If you dislike something, do not reveal it. Keep it to yourself. 

⊱┊And for you horny people out there, keep the smuts out of our community. Or else we'll be keeping you out of our community.

⊱┊Personal problems aren't any of ours. If you have one and need to vent it out, hit up our fams. But if it's a problem that happened in our community, contact the head admin AmrenHells for support.

⊱┊ZODIAC SIGNS. Believe it or not, your zodiac signs doesn't 100% represent you nor anyone else. Never ever judge people by their zodiac signs. Because one: it's all bullshit and two: it's kinda cringe. 

⊱┊Since Wattpad decided on a dm and a fucking message board and totally flip off the idea of providing group dms, we're going Discord. Discord's completely free to have and is available anywhere so when joining us, make sure to have an account!

⊱┊Joining us means working alongside us! And so we can be in touch all day and night- please- just please be frequently active. It'll be much more easier to handle things.

⊱┊ 13+ Tbh, even if you're below 18, I don't know what're you doing in smutpad 😳

⊱┊ Don't pressure yourself. If you think you can't handle it, contact us! We'll be supporting you in any ways possible. But yet again, don't depend too much and remember, you're job is your job.

⊱┊Swearing is allowed but please don't fucking use it to insult someone. Acting the victim isn't allowed either nor is tattle-tailing. Just be kind, alright?

⊱┊Follow us- this is compulsory. 

- password: captain

Perks of working for us!!

✧ We don't only provide events and giveaways for people outside of our community! There are some members only giveaways with much more better prizes organized by us, Inner Circles!

✧ We will give you support on any way possible! You are a part of our community, therefore, we got your back! 


You weren't accepted? You didn't want to be in any of them? You can be a member :D

If you're wondering where the fuck can you apply as a member, you don't! Just dm us if you would want to be in! We accept everyone.

You can always re-apply! There are no limits to when it comes to applying!


What can get you banned?

Disobeying the rules, lousy job, talking shit about us or anyone to be exact, and spreading hate. We don't tolerate with those kind of people nor would we work with them.

Lying about yourself, age, or just anything will get you questioned to sort out if it's an acceptable lie or an unacceptable one.

Getting banned will permanently remove you from the community. If you decided that you changed yourself, welcome back but remember: 3 strikes, and your out for good.

Read the rules? Thank god, I spent hours writing those. Onto the next page if you're still with me.

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