13. The Betrayal.

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Melissa's POV:

"Mark?" I say in disbelief.

Looking at him fills my brain with questions. Out of the many questions running in my mind, the main question which is haunting me now is that what if Blake sees him?

"Calm down Mel, no one saw me. Don't worry I have my ways of entering in the hostel without getting into that sick Blake and his right hand Andrew's sight."

Woah! Did I speak that out loud? How did he know? Am I that predictable?
And wait what, How does he know Andrew?

"How did you know about Andrew?"I snap and it seems he didn't expect this question as he scrunches his nose and furrows his eyebrows trying to put some sense into my sudden not so necessary question.

Well, for him it might not be important. But after being with Blake for one and a half-day, it seems like that the word trust is wiped out of my dictionary. I can't trust anyone. What if he is Blake's friend and they both have made up a plan to test me and if I fail then kill me and Ella both.

His hands on my shoulders snap me out of my doze state and I take a step back. He frowns at my action, so trying to clear this awkwardly unwanted situation, I speak.

"What did you came here for and yeah you didn't answer my first question?"

His light brown eyes pierce my own causing me to slightly blush at this deep eye contact. I don't look away, I want answers which he isn't giving which only adds me to doubt him more. He breaks the eye contact and shakes his head slightly as if trying to catch the reality and once again looks me into the eye and he speaks

"I just know him. And I came here for You."

My eyes grow the size of the saucers and looking at my blank surprised expression he continues,

"I mean, I wanted to talk to you."

"You came here to talk to me. Are you kidding me? Do you have a death wish? If Blake saw this or comes to know about this then I am hell sure, he won't spare one of us. For God's sake, please leave." I cry out.

I try keeping my tears in control which are on the verge of falling. This fear of Blake on me even in his absence makes my skin crawl.
When did my life got so fucked up?

"Melissa, don't be afraid. I won't let him harm you. Don't worry. I will kill him before he touches you. I am here to protect you." He tries assuring me.

But little did he know, that I can not take the slightest of risk. I don't know what got over me or how I got the courage to talk to him in the changing room. But coming to meet me at my room is sure knocking at the door of hell. Ella has already lost her tongue, I have already done a lot bad to her and not anymore. I will live with him in my way and escape on my own. I can't drag any more innocent people into this and risk their life.

" No-no-no. I don't want to hear a single thing. Forget what happened in the changing room. I wasn't in my right mind at that time. Please leave now. I don't have time and if Blake comes then it is going to be worse than hell." I cry and try to push him out of the door but his muscular build doesn't budge an inch.

I bang my fist on his chest and beg him to leave with now uncontrollable tears running down my cheek. He holds me by my shoulder and pulls me into his chest filling my nostrils with his powerful cologne.

" Shush. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you and me. I wanted to give you something and I could not wait until tomorrow and to my luck, I heard both of your conversation from inside the changing room about your visit to the hostel." He says as he strokes my back gently.

He pulls me away from him gently and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear before wiping the tears off my cheek. I look at his eyes which were certainly filled with an emotion that I am longing for. Care.

He pulls out a thing from his pocket and gives it to me. I look at the thing which is a small square shape black thing that looks like an electronic chip. Squinting my eyes at the thing before me, I look back at him with a big question mark expression.

"It's a tracking device. Hide it into something which you carry with you everywhere. This will help me find your location. I don't think that Blake is keeping you at his house which I know of. Once I get the exact location of your place I will tell you the next step of our plan." He explains with a proud smile tugging on his face.

"N-no no I can't do this. If he finds out then he will kill you. Please don't make things harder for me anymore."
I try returning the tracker back to him but he only holds my hand and caresses the back of it.

"Hush! You have to do this Melissa. It's all for your sake...." He pauses as he then looks me into the eye,
"And for mine." He ends with a smile while still gently caressing the back of my hand with his warm fingers.

My phone ringing suddenly causes me to jump and fresh drops of sweat start forming on my forehead. I instantly knew who the caller is. I don't want to answer this call but if I don't then that won't be good.

I pull my hand from his in a snap and get my phone out of my bag with shaky hands. My eyes bawl out and I choke at the screen before me, it says, My Hubby.

I look at Mark who looks confused. He frowns at me, probably waiting for me to answer as to who the caller is. Yeah, he would not know that this is not my phone but the phone which was given to me by that jerk.

"It's B-blake!" I squeal. His eyes turn big and his mouth opens to say something but he shuts it again which makes me raise an eyebrow at him.

"Answer the phone or he will be here the next minute." He says still looking calm which I seriously didn't expect and here I am freaking out thinking that if we get caught then I don't know for myself but he will die for sure.

Just before I pick the call, to my dismay it ends. I dial his number with trembling hands and before finally calling him I look up to see Mark looking at me impatiently.

"Open the door, Mel." The voice boomed from the other side of the door.

My heartbeat quickens and my breath hitches. Mark and I both look at the door before looking at each other. Both of our eyes hold the same emotion, Fear. We both know that the door of our death is going to open soon.

The pounding on the door grows louder and louder with every passing second and so is my life nearing the deathbed.

"Open the fucking door right this instant or I will break it." He screams, anger audible in his voice.

"It's Blake. We are going to die. There's no escape now. Before dying, I want to tell you something...." Before I could complete my sentence my head is hit with something hard and my vision gets blurry. The banging of the door starts sounding faint to me. Slowly and slowly everything around me seems distant to me.
I try keeping my eyes open, I try looking at him who hit me. My heart sinks at the reality and my brain is unable to withstand this betrayal.

"Sorry, this had to be done," Mark says and it is the last thing that I hear before entering into the world of darkness.

After a long time guys...
Thank you for waiting and sorry for making you all wait...

So here's another cliffhanger...
What's going to happen next???

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