vii. the tales of london life

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enjoy little one-shots of Octavia and Tewkesbury as they navigate life while living together :)


I was busy minding the shop, quite a few girls were interested in buying gowns today. I chattered coaxingly to customers while altering their dresses. All over the shop, ladies looked and bought various items. It was a busy day indeed.

Now, it was sure a shock when a boy, a couple of stray petals in his hair, burst into the shop while carrying a large box. The busy chatter almost ceased at once, while the women stared at the familiar boy who rushed through the shop and out the back. Tewkesbury, who looked rather flustered at all the attention, smiled slightly while balancing his massive box.

I smiled quizzically, while attempting to make a logical reason for why there was a boy in a dress shop (reminder: this is the 1800's-it's not normalised for boys to wear dresses, and husbands did not accompany wives to their shopping trips).

"...He delivers heavy items up to my apartment. A girl like me couldn't do all that hard work." I hastily explained, attempting to do a tinkling laugh. It worked, as the ladies went back to their shopping.

After quite some time, Tewkesbury walked out from the back door, I sent him a half seething, half confused look. He grinned and ran out of the shop, back to the garden market.

That boy will be the death of me.


My stomach was rumbling by the time I closed up the shop. It was twilight, the sun bidding it's goodbye in a glowing light. I yawned, wondering what Tewkesbury had brought the mysterious box in for.

It was then, that Tewkesbury came running once more, carrying someone much smaller. I squinted, and they appeared to be 2 small containers.

"Octavia wait! Don't go up to the apartment yet. Wait a minute, i'll call you up when i'm ready." Tewkesbury huffed, covering up the items in his arms. I narrowed my eyes, but let him pass.

"...Alright. But if I find the apartment is in flames-" I warned, swatting his head as he passed by hastily.

"-Ow! It won't be on fire, promise." He said, disappearing into the back door.

After quite some time, he finally came down, holding his hand out to me. I took it after some hesitation, eyeing him warily.

"What's up there? I'm really hungry you know-I won't have much time to see what you've done as i'll be munching on the-" I started, but was cut off by the scene in the apartment.

Flowers of various kinds decorated the apartment in a flowery daze. Lilies were strung up like bunting banners, creating an atmosphere of calm. Colourful bright dahlias graced the kitchen room, and small roses surrounded the living room.

Honing in on the living room, I saw 2 small containers on the coffee table. The aroma they produced smelt heavenly, swirling sugar and creamy milk.

"Are those?..." I began, walking closer in awe.

"...Creme caramel." Tewkesbury softly hummed, pride blooming in his chest as he stood higher. "French travellers came by the market, and I was able to trade flowers for them."

He guided me towards the table, and sat down across from me. Creme caramel. It had been an age since the last time I had eaten one of these. Vaguely, I remembered the times when mother would create these delicious deserts, sweet and delectable.

I glanced up at Tewkesbury, who was already digging into his creme caramel.

My eyes twinkled as I smiled at him.

"Thank you."


I was curled  up on my favourite chair in the living room, a cup of warm milk steaming on the table and another one of my father's books in my hands.

It had been another long day of tending to the shop and teasing Tewkesbury, but now, it was finally time to wind down. The sky outside was a deep dark blue, scattered with bright lights of stars and the occasional carriage crossing by.

Tewkesbury's head popped up from his bedroom, glancing at me. I kept my eyes on the book, although I tried to keep him in my peripheral vision. He opened his mouth, furrowed his brows, and closed them.

"Why are you hovering around like that, Tewkesbury?" I raised my brow, lifting the cup of milk to my lips, eyes still trained on the enticing words of my book.

"Oh! Octavia...I was thinking...." He trailed off, trying to find the best way to word his thoughts.

"...Well?" I nonchalantly sighed, finally focusing my eyes on the brunette boy.

"The sky just seems so lovely tonight, with the stars out and all, it's a lovely clear night..." He mumbled. "I thought...we could walk around on the main road? It's quiet too, I wouldn't have to worry about being spotted..."

"...It does seem like a lovely night." I closed my book, sighing in thought. "You know what? Let's go. I haven't gone out at night in a while."

His face flashed a beautiful grin, and he hurried to get his shoes on. In that moment, he seemed like an ordinary boy, without the weight of running away from his entire world on his shoulders, without the weight of runaway marquess on his head.

We walked down the stairs of the apartment and down to the shop, locking it behind us as the starry night sky stretched before us. He offered his arm, and we proceeded to stroll in nighttime London.

His eyes twinkled in admiration when he looked at the stars. He softly whispered some of the names he remembered.

"That's...that's Orion, I believe." He scrunched his nose slightly. "The only constellation I remember from the endless astronomy lessons I had."

"Hm, If I remember correctly," I mused, pointing my free arm at a bright blue star, "That one's Sirius. Brightest star in the sky. Remember reading about it in some ancient astronomy book."

The night was peaceful, only the distant sounds of carriages and laughter from homes cutting through the night.

Tewkesbury sighed dreamily, his arm still in mine, as we continued to walk on the main road. The frantic rush of the day was replaced with the calming breeze of the night. So tranquil and lovely.

We stayed out for a while, there, staring at the sky and whispering little things into each other's ears. It was a night to remember.

author's note:
uh I planned for this to have a couple more one-shots but oh well, next update is gonna go straight back to the story, and maybe Octavia will meet Enola Holmes once more!

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