Teething Issues

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"Wh-what are you doing?" Grace asks me breathily and I allow a small grin in her neck.

'Is that vulnerability I hear?'

"I'm going to tell you something. And I want you to listen to me, okay?" I say to her softly as I place another kiss on the crook of her neck, intentionally trying to distract her. I feel her body stiffen beneath me and I bite my lip.

'She's going to kill me one day.' I think to myself, my heart beating in my chest.

"O-okay." She replies shakily with a small shudder as I gently blow on her neck.

'She's trembling and I haven't even done anything.'

"Are you paying any attention?" I ask, amused by her reaction. She hums as she cocks her head to the side, almost subconsciously, so that I have greater access.

'She's not listening to a damn thing I'm saying.' I muse with a wide grin.

"Grace?" I start softly as I plant another kiss, this one higher up and near her ear. I watch as she swallows roughly and hums once again.

'And it's time for plan B.'

So instead of planting another kiss, I bite her neck. Not too hard, but rough enough so she gets the warning.

She gasps, the sound music to my ears.

"You ready to listen to me now?" I question with an arched brow. I hear her growl lowly, obviously frustrated by my getting to her.

"Yes, you arsehole." She hisses and I chuckle.


"Okay then." I say as I hold her closer to me and take a deep breath of her irresistible scent. 

"You are not the reason your mother is dead." I declare simply, leaving no room for argument. Grace opens her mouth to undoubtedly deliver a withering retort, but I bite her neck.


"Strike one, darlin'. You keep this up and you'll be out of the game." I inform her amusedly and she lets out a small huff, but doesn't reply. She then grumbles something under her breath, probably cursing me to hell, and settles back in my lap.

"You are not the reason of your mother's death. The reason she is gone is that she won in a war against evil and Bertinelli didn't like being locked up like the demon he is." I say plainly to her. "And I'm pretty sure your family's nothing more than a bunch of assholes who find it easier to pin the blame on an innocent twelve-year-old than a full grown-ass man." I continue firmly. 

She opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her off by biting her neck, a little harder than the last time.

"Strike two, darlin'." I then smirk as a joke occurs to me. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you like it dirty." I say cheekily and she groans.

"I'm one dirty joke away from shutting you up permanently." She threatens seriously without turning around and I laugh while burying my face in her hair. I take another deep sniff and inaudibly sigh.

'God, she smells so fucking good.'

"May I continue, Miss Violent?" I ask sarcastically and she grumbles something unintelligible, but nods nonetheless.

"Now, on to the matter of you hurting people..." I trail off. I feel her stiffen and I place another comforting kiss on her neck. "You do what you do in order to keep the people you love safe. Do you think that makes you a monster?" I question rhetorically with a quirked brow. "Loving makes you a monster?"

She is silent, knowing I have her beat there.

"You doing your damnest to protect your family and friends, to me, makes you an angel." I whisper and her stiffening shows me that she heard me. "And, if I'm being honest, it's very sexy." I tell her smugly with a burning face as I huddle my face into her neck while trying to steal her warmth.

"But-" Grace begins, but cuts herself off, remembering what I told her earlier about the three-strike rule. I hold back a snigger as I close my eyes, relishing in her presence.  

"And finally, about you being selfish by wanting me and my cousins' friendship," I start, clearing my throat as if I was being serious, "we kind of started all of this that first day we met you so you don't really have a choice. You're stuck with me and my idiot family." 

She sighs exasperatedly and her fists ball up. "That's the problem!" She exclaims. "You keep getting involved with me and now I'm stuck with you and when the day comes that I have to go against Bertinelli, you can't be anywhere near me or else you'll get hurt. And if you do get hurt, I will blame myself for the rest of my life." She rambles and my heart breaks because of how she thinks she needs to be alone for the rest of her life in order to protect the people she cares about.

"Grace." I begin softly and shake my head. "You're not going to break me by being close. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be alone for the rest of your life." I tell her gently as I squeeze her waist.

"But-" She begins again, but I bite her neck harshly once more as her third and final warning. Then, I feel her rearing up for a withering retort. 

"John, I swear to God if you don't stop biting me, I will turn around and punch you so hard, you'll feel your soul leave your goddamn body. Understand?" She growls out and I feel a grin tugging on my lips as I chuckle in amusement. My heart races at her and her irresistible attitude and comebacks.

'There's my spitfire.'

"You know, darlin'. You're ruining our moment." I say to her, amused, and she huffs.

"Is that what you call this? Because I call this you acting like an infant that has a teething problem." She hisses out and I throw my head back and laugh in response, happy my Grace is back.

'I'll always be here to help her through anything. As long as she lets me.'

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