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Since three days ago Sebastian has placed extra security around the packs borders and the pack house, my due date was yesterday but my little man still doesn't want to come out. Wendy, Maggie, Susy, Sebastian and Chace have been by my side all the time. Sebastian comes and gose as he is needed in the office or anything that has to do with the security that he has placed, earlier today I was feeling some sharp pain and I was moved to a room that Sebastian had arranged to be set up for me to give birth and be able to recover after it. He has also made sure that there was a crib here and one in my room up stairs, we have also deiceded that he and Susy were going to be with me while I gave birth. Maggie and Wendy would be the ones who were going to deliver my baby boy, we have been in this room since after we finished having breakfast just laughing while the girls have been talking to my little man asking him to come out already because we all want to meet him already.

"Come on Cole, don't you want to meet all three of your beautiful aunties" Maggie said as she placed her hand on my belly

"Oh come on Cole, we really want to meet you, hold you and spoil you rotten" Susy said

"She only says that because your mommy made her and your uncle Sebastian your god parents" Wendy said

We all started laughing at the pouting face she was making, I was laughing so hard that I felt like I had pissed  on myself like always until I felt a sharp pain on my lower abdomen.

"You okay Sel" Maggie asked

"No, it hurts" I said

"Where does it hurt" Wendy asked

"Here" I said as I motioned my lower abdomen

"Go get Sebastian, tell him that Sel is in labor" Wendy said to Susy

Susy left the room while Maggie and Wendy started to help me take a shower before breading my hair, they then laid me on the bed and conected the machines that were going monitor my heart rate and that of my little man. By the time that Susy and Sebastian got to my room I was already sweating do to the pain that I was feeling, Sebastian got one of my hands while Susy was holding the other one they both started to help me by taking some of my pain in to their own body's that way I wouldn't be to weak when it came to pushing my baby out and in to this world where he is already loved. After what seemed like hours my little man was in this world and the pack was howling his arrival, they were happy that their future alpha had finally arrived and that he would be protected from this day on never to be left alone in a hard moment in his life which made me smile just before the darkness took over me.


I was with Silvano, Adreano and Lazaro doing our run around the border of the pack lands like we have been doing for the past two months when I started to feel like something was going to happen today. I stopped and looked around us trying to see what was causing me to feel this way but I couldn't see anything, I looked at the guys and I could tell that they were feeling the same way.

"You do feel that right" Silvano said

"Yes but I don't see or hear anything around here" I said

"The other fighters patroling the border say that they have the same feeling but don't see or hear anything either" Adreano said

After we had finished our round we headed home and took a shower, when I got out of the shower I changed in to some black jeans, a black t-shirt and my white and black shoes. I walked down the stairs to the living room and started to watch some show that was on the TV, the guys sat next to me and we started to talk about some random game we had seen the day before and then we started to hear distant howling before our pack started to do the same which made all of us stand up and look at each other. My parents ran down the stairs and when they saw me they had the same look on their face that was for sure on my face, we walked outside and we saw some of the pack members looking towards where Selena's pack is located before they kneeled down and bowed their heads.

"It can't be possible, you said that you were told that she lost the baby" my father said

"Yeah that's what we were told, the council man where there as well" I said

"Then why did both packs howl within seconds apart" my mother asked

"I don't know but I will find out" I said

Before I could get in to my car or do anything else we saw several SUV's coming towards us, when the cars stopped the doors opened to reveal the coucil men which made me turn towards my parents who were looking at me in the same way I was looking at them.

"Welcome council, how can we help you all today" my father asked

"We come bearing good news" council man White Wolf said

"And that would be what" my mother asked

"The next majesty has been born, we are going around to all packs to announce his arrival" he said

"Can I ask a question council man" I asked

"Yes of course" he said

"Why did all the lower pack members howl but the higher ones didn't" I asked

"Well because you all are almost at the same high power level as he is" he answered

"How is that" Silvano asked

"He is the son of the Moon Goddess' daughter and a high ranking Angel" he said

He said which made my mother and father gasp and bowed their head, I looked between my parents and the council man to find that they were showing the same respect that my parents where giving. I looked at the guys and you could tell that we were all thinking about the same thing, I needed to find out who the mother was and why our pack really howled after Selena's pack had howled.

REJECTED WITH THE ALPHAS BABYWhere stories live. Discover now