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disclaimer: i would love to have lexie grey all to myself, but she belongs to shonda.

disclaimer: i would love to have lexie grey all to myself, but she belongs to shonda

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"Hi mommy, how are you doing?" I quietly slipped into the seat next to my mother Ellis, she had been the only one of the elderly people who was sitting alone, it made me feel bad for her.

"I don't have to explain myself to you, Malia." Ellis started, she had been writing down something, to her it must have been medical stuff, but from what I saw it was a bunch of scribbles, ones that children drew.

"People cheat, I expect for you to know that, you're big enough to handle it." I wanted to scream at her, throw something at her head. We've already had this conversation, 15 years ago. Ever since that day I've thought about this conversation and what I would have done differently, but I was taught to never question my mother, never say she's wrong.

"Yeah mom, you're right." it hurt to say does words because I knew how wrong they were. It's never right to cheat, whatever the conditions were. "It was years ago, let's talk about something else." I tried to sound as pleasing as I could, not showing the pain behind each sentence. "Is everything to your liking her, how are they feeding you?"

"Malia, I said that I'm in love with Richard, your father's being a pain in the ass, it's not my fault he can't just leave." Ellis couldn't stop herself, even if she wanted to, which she probably did not.

I sighed, tears threatening to escape now.

"Did I raise you to be this weak?" Ellis's head shot up noticing my watery eyes. "A Grey never cries, we're stronger than that."

I picked myself up and showed myself out of the treating centre, I had no reason to listen to this anymore.

I just tried to remind myself that this was not my mother, these were only her memories.


"Why do you have a hello kitty band aid?" my chuckle seemed to annoy Meredith, seems I wasn't the only one whose morning had not gone the way it should have.

"None of your business." was all my sister spoke. Not wanting to provoke her further I decided to change the topic.

"I have to take all of Derek's surgeries today." maybe my choice of topic wasn't the smartest way to go, but I could not figure out any other conversation starters. "Something personal came up, I guess."

"Derek and Addison's old friend from New York is getting her ovaries, uterus, and breast removed." Izzie's voice wasfilled with disgust, she was most definitely against the operation happening.

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