Sneak Peak

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A/N: Wow -  10,000 reads in just under two weeks that this story has been up! Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading! To show how much I love my readers, here is a sneak peak at book 2: Tracked. 

-- E.A. Baker 

I still can't believe that Uncle Hernan dragged me out of bed on a Saturday morning to some puny little clan house in Oakland. I am a Royal for God's sake. Uncle needs to stop playing to the whims of this stupid girl and start acting like the prince that he is. He should have just ordered that Delia return to our properties after the fiasco last night and locked her up for her own damn good. Clearly she isn't very smart if she was willing to sacrifice herself for some normal clan Val that no one cares about. But that's okay because the only thing females are good for are to be used as bargaining chips and having babies. 

Uncle needs to stop making this street rat think she has any say or power in this matter and tell her that she now belongs to me. Damon already has his female, so clearly it is my turn. Not that Delia is anywhere near as beautiful or dignified as Noemie, not to mention that she doesn't come with a kingdom. But she is better than nothing. With a female at my side I will have a place within world politics. That combined with my Truth means people will finally give me the respect that I deserve. Because, despite what my family may think, my Gift is far superior to their precious Energy. It is the reason why the all powerful Hernan Collins had to ask for my help. This Delia might be able to somehow block the mind readers and the empaths, but my ability to detect lies is infallible. I am the only Valkyrie in America's West Kingdom that possesses it. Making me more fucking important than even my female sister.

--Prince Kaiden Collins 

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