12| Welcomed

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Chapter 12: Welcomed (Archer's POV)

It was now the next morning and I was downstairs, talking to my dad about the council meeting that was soon to come. I found myself glancing at the clock every few minutes, counting down to nine o'clock. 

It was eight-fifty-three when our Butler, Mr. Bruce interrupted. "Your majesty," he bowed his head to me. "Someone is here for you." 

My dad looked at me in confusion. I still haven't told my parents. Whoops. I knew my mother wouldn't let it happen if I told her in advance. So I didn't. 

"It's Ms. Evelyn," he said. 

I glanced at my dad, seeing him nod in understanding while smiling. 

"I'll be right there," I nodded. He left and I grabbed my blazer off the chair and pulled it on but left it unbuttoned. "She'll be here for a month," I said while walking out. I headed outside, spotting her by the main doors. 

She was standing there, sticking out like a sore thumb. She was holding a bag and one of the guards was handing Mr. Bruce her suitcase. 

I walked over to her, taking her bag from her hands. 

"Hi," she said softly. 

"Hi," I chuckled, feeling a little bad for how uncomfortable she was feeling. "Mr. Bruce, please leave this in the guestroom along with her suitcase," I smiled, handing him the small bag. 

"Which guestroom, sir? The last one beside the other princesses'?" he questioned. 

She looked at me expectantly. 

"No, the one with mine." 

She opened her mouth to protest but Mr. Bruce left before she could. "Really?" she deadpanned. 

"We have breakfast to get to," I chuckled, taking her hand. 

She gently pulled it out of my grasp and walked beside me silently. 

I walked into the dining hall where everyone was situated by now. Everyone stopped and turned to us. "Ladies, and mother," I mumbled. "Everyone here already knows Evelyn. She'll be joining us today and will stay here with us. For a month," I added. 

All the girls' eyes widened except Caroline who was smiling and waving at Evelyn. My mother was shocked and my father was enjoying the whole situation. 

I pulled out a chair for Evelyn across my seat and beside Caroline. "Evelyn is a possible bride, so I expect you all to treat her the way we have been treating the other five lovely ladies," I cleared my throat while taking my seat. "And make her feel welcomed." 

"Welcomed?" my mother asked, shooting daggers at me. "Of course," she said through a fake smile. 

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my fork and knife. I took a french toast into my plate and then saw Evelyn still just sitting there in shock. "Evelyn." 

Everyone looked at her but she only looked up at me. 

"Your plate." 

She hesitantly handed it to me and I put french toast on her plate for her with some scrambled eggs and then handed it back to her. "Thank you," she mumbled. 

I poured orange juice in her glass and then in mine. I knew everyone was watching my behavior with her and her behavior towards royalty but she was very distracted. She was zoned out, staring off into space. I scooted my chair forward, nudging her leg with mine. She jumped, startling herself out of her trance and looking up at me. I looked over at Caroline who was watching us with amusement. 

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