xiii - day one

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This is a good start . Well, the whole Isabella thing put a slight damper but aside from her, it's been a good day. Actually, knowing she'll be out of the country and hopefully for good , did make today a bit better . I'm going to see Nik tonight .

I'm going to see Nik tonight.

I feel like I'm dreaming because for the first time in a long while, I'm going on a date with a woman I have strong and deep feelings for. This is no cover up or pretense for something else . Our relationship didn't start up on a lie, a rebound or a casual thing . No, we built a friendship and along the way my heart blossomed as she blossomed.

I get into the building and up to my floor in a trance . I don't even remember when I pressed the buttons in the elevator to get up here. All I know is that I'm actually happy .

"I don't think I remember ever seeing you smile like that," Warren's voice shakes me out of my daze.

"Oh, hey," was the only response I could muster up.

"Oh, hey?" Confusion clear on his face as he follows me into my office. "What happened at lunch?"

Warren knew that I was meeting with Nik . He had a grin on his face that told me he could sense good news. I take my coat off and hang it before sitting down . He decides to make himself comfortable by perching himself across from me with a raised eyebrow , waiting.

"We're going on a date tonight. War, she wants me...."

He leans forward , still grinning , "about damn time. Where are you taking her?"

That's a good question . "I haven't decided yet," I say thoughtfully.

"Maybe do something normal?" He suggested.

I shook my head , "I want her to know that this is more . That I feel more, that she is more."

"Love looks good on you bro," Warren says. "Whatever you do, I'm here. I've been front row and center for this ."

"Oh?" I raise a brow , "then why was she introduced to Austin?"

He sighs , "Aria. Her heart is in the right place. She wants people she loves happy, she doesn't realize that what people need is time. Austin is a good person, but he wasn't what I envisioned for Nikki."

"So you had an idea of what Nikki needed?" I tease.

"Yeah, you."

"Me?" I ask filled with curiosity.

"The moment you volunteered your home to her , it wasn't a favor to Aria. It was because you wanted Nikki there. I saw it in your eyes. I had the same look with Aria, you know," he says to me.

I guess my brother and I are alike in some ways. It only took me a little longer to figure it out . "I...."

"You didn't know it yet. There was intrigue there . I understood your worry but I also saw the way she captivated you . Hell, I noticed the look the first time you laid eyes on her. Messy hair and all," he says with an enthusiastic smile while displaying exaggerated hand gestures.

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