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I sat down wearily, feeling my muscles relax as I sunk into the soft fabric of the sofa. Aidan came up behind me and gave me a kiss on the cheek before seating himself right beside me so that our knees were touching no matter what position we were in. I smiled at him, flicking through the channels on TV. I got momentarily distracted from my search for an acceptable movie as Aidan started to fiddle with my hair, wrapping and twirling his fingers around in it's strands.

"Mmh." He hummed. "Soft."

I laughed, melting into his heavenly touch as he continued to play with it. One sometimes forgets how nice to is to have someone gently twiddling with your hair, and when he stopped and got up to grab a bag of chips for me to eat, I felt greatly unsatisfied and wished that he'd come back so he could resume. I tried to follow what he was doing with my ears, because i honestly couldn't be bothered to look away from the movie that I had put on, and was quite predictably surprised when he flumped back down next to me.

"You scared me!" I laughed softly, scooching a little closer.

"Sorry, cutie." He grinned delightedly, slipping his fingers once more into my hair and gently tugging the strands into submission. I sat completely still as he braided it into a plait. Self-consciously, I ran my hands over it once he was finished and was surprised to find a well done braid on my head. As soon as I expressed my admiration for his creation, he puffed out his chest self-importantly.

"I am the master artist, and you are my muse." Proclaimed Aidan, snuggling me into his chest. And although I could have easily come up with an incredible rebuttal (though he later claimed that I would not have), I decided to simply let myself melt into him, because he was truly the most fantastic thing that I got to call 'mine'.

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just another smol chapter. this one isnt fantastic either but gimmie a break bc its 2:07 am and im super tired. goodnight everyoneeeeeee (dONt bE rUdE sAy iT bAcK)

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