Chapter 1

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Ten Days. That's all I have, ten days until I know where I belong. Ever since I was born, my life has been watched, everyone knows everything about you, and there's nothing you can do about it.

There are four different social classes, but I call them societies. They have been here since I can remember, I think it started in 2130 but I wouldn't know because I'm not a huge listener in class. When I was born 16 almost 17 years ago on March 13, 2274, I was put in Harcos society which is where my family is. Harcos is home of the warriors, or "protectors" as everyone else calls us, but I think "protector" is boring. We are so much more than that; we have learned to fight, be confident, protect ourselves along with the rest of New York, be strong willed, just so the city can stay safe from our enemies.

In my society, we don't grow up in the perfect society that everyone else wants to be in. We had to learn how to grow up fast, or else we would be an immediate outcast. If you don't know how to protect yourself and not take crap for anyone, then you're screwed because that's how we were taught in Harcos. Regal, also known as the "Elite", are basically royalty. They grew up the complete opposite than I did; you can say that their servants were probably feeding them just so they won't get their hands dirty. They get what they want when they want, and it sucks because they are spoiled little brats who don't care about anyone.

Though, the people I feel really bad about are people in Stringent, these are the people who have to live on the streets, and don't have any money. They live in poverty, and it is super hard for them to get a job because of where they are put. It's stupid really, they can't get the money they need to become like everyone else if they can't get a job. I don't really understand why the government won't let people decide where they want to go, we need someone to stand up to the government, and change the System.

The last society is called Saffi, also known as the intelligent. The Saffi control what goes on in each society, so everyone stays civil. No one really likes them except for Regal, because they can be biased a lot just to get on Regal's good side; that's how the "Elite" get what they want.

On my seventeenth birthday, everything will change about my world. I don't know where I will be put, but I hope it's not Stringent because even though I want to help them, I still don't want to live like that all my life.

School is the one interesting thing that brings me joy. It's the place where I can be myself and no one can say a thing about it. It's different though because all of the societies come together for school, but we're not allowed to talk to each other. I don't really understand the point of this. If we were not allowed to talk to people, then why go to school with them? My best subjects are History, English and sometimes Calculus. Every time I try to get a good grade in Biology, it just won't happen. I really enjo-

"Miss Einar, am I disrupting your day dream, or may I continue my class?" I smirked "I'm sorry..." She smiled back at me and started to begin again, "but yes you were interrupting my day dream," everyone's laughing and there were whispers spreading around me. "Excuse me, but I don't think I was speaking to the whole class, was I? Everyone became silent and she continued, "meet me after school Miss Einar." I stood up quickly, "yes ma'am," then I saluted her and everyone started to laugh loudly until... "Enough! Now if you all want to see me after school, then I suggest you all be quiet."

After that, class went by very slowly while we were re-learning photosynthesis. I don't understand why we have to relearn old information, it makes no sense. "Hey Harper!" One of the guys in my last class is trying to talk to me, but I kept walking to my next class which is Calculus. "Please!" He's yelling at me in the middle of the hallway, so I yelled back. "What do you want Jeremy?" "That was awesome, what you said to her. I couldn't stop laughing at that old hag," I blushed. I've always had a thing for Jeremy, but he could never know that. "Thanks, she deserved it. I mean she did interrupt me." He's staring at me now and it's getting awkward. "Well, I should get going. I'll see you around Jeremy." I started to walk away until he asked, "do you want to eat lunch together today?" I stopped immediately and am stunned he would ask me that. Jeremy Hilroy is one of the most popular boys in Harcos. I tried to act calm but my insides were screaming. "Sure!" Dammit, I didn't mean to yell at him. He smirked at me, "I'll see you around Einar." "See ya" why did I say that with that much enthusiasm, I really need to calm down. 

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