Chapter 4

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"Hello there"

While the rest of the Mikaelsons are stunned Kol gives a slow clap, "Well done Salvatore, very dramatic I give it an 8

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While the rest of the Mikaelsons are stunned Kol gives a slow clap, "Well done Salvatore, very dramatic I give it an 8."

"Thank you I do try as dramatic as possible." Damon says with a smirk.

"Eh I give it an 6, now get out of my chair." Delilah says amused while walking around her desk.

"Yes ma'am." Damon says with a flamboyant bow as he gets up from the chair. As she passes him she gives him a loving smile and he winks at her, before pushing her chair in and standing behind her and off to the side to show a united front. Finally everyone sits down, Hope, Hayley and Klaus in the three seats infront of her desk and the rest of the family pile on the two couches off to the side .

Getting back to business she pointed ignores the incredulous looks she's getting, and turns to looks straight at Hope and says, "Okay so about classes-"

"What is Damon Salvatore doing here?" Hayley asks rudely like he's not in the room. "This is supposed to be confidential."

Delilah looks at her unimpressed with a raised eyebrow but answers dryly anyway, "It is his house." She pauses then continues, "Not to mention he's one of the five headmasters of this school and will be informed of everything just as the other three will, it's protocol and we are under signed contracts forbidding us from giving out your information, also this room has a one way permanent silencing spell so no one can hear us from the outside."

She looks back at Hope after making her point, and they get the rest of Hope's paperwork out of the way in awkward silence besides the few questions on the forms, but before she can say anything about when Hope starts, the door opens and Olivia comes in like she owns the place seemingly ignoring the Mikaelson's and going straight to her mother, sitting on the edge of her desk and looking at her mom before asking, "Hey mom what's up." Like she didn't know.

Delilahs mouth twitches before Damon speaks up, "What no hello dad? Wow liv I'm hurt." While placing a hand on his heart like she wounded him.

"Hey da-"



"You had a child?" Klaus asks in disbelief.

The looks he gets in return is almost enough to make him flinch, Damon is glaring at him full force, Olivia looks like she wants to jump off the desk and stake him, even Kol is looking at him in anger but the worst is Delilah there's no anger, no disgust, just completely blank and emotionless then she finally speaks, "Yes I did." Then goes back to business mode completely ignoring him to talk to Hope.

"So Hope, the reason Olivia is here is because just like you she is a Tribrid-" Delilah tries to explain but gets interrupted again.

"That's a lie! Hopes the only Tribrid, she's the only one of her kind." While Hayley lashes out, the rest of the Mikaelson's including Klaus take a good look at Olivia, honey blonde hair, blue eyes and a cleft chin, even the little smirk she gives them like she knows a joke that they don't.

They are pulled out of their thoughts by Hope, "So I'm not alone anymore?" There's so much relief in that statement it makes their heart hurt.

Olivia's face softens and she gives Hope a soft smile, "No not anymore, now why don't I show you around and we leave the adults to talk? I'm starting to actually feel all of the testosterone in the air, yikes." That gets a giggle out of Hope which gives Olivia a beaming smile. Holding a hand out to her to take they leave after getting nods respectively from Delilah and Klaus. 

After the door shuts the tension is back full force. It's silent until Klaus breaks it, "She's mine, isn't she?" He questions but it comes out as a statement.

"Yes." Everyone is surprised by that statement except Kol and Davina

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks his hurt show on his face.

That finally gets him an expression that isn't like a statue she glared at him viciously. Then she speaks but her voice is cold as ice, "Let me see you cheated on me with the wolf wench that Tyler cheated on Caroline with,"


"I'm not finished! Or how about your wolf mistress was pregnant as well, everyone of you just left and dumped me like trash you could throw away! So why didn't I tell you Klaus? You didn't deserve her and I honestly didn't want my daughter to be disappointed when you up and left again." When she finished she looked emotionally drained, she didn't even care about the guilty looks she was getting from everyone, all she wanted was to curl up in bed with Damon and see her daughter.

"Well as fun as this reunion has been, we're calling it quits for today, I think you can show yourselves out." Damon says while putting a hand on Delilah's shoulder for moral support. When it looks like they are going to argue he glares at them viciously just daring them to argue. The family reluctantly leave and both Damon and Delilah let out a sigh of relief. As much as Damon would love to curl up with Delilah, they both have work to do so he gives her a kiss after holding her for a few minutes and tells her to call him if she needs him and leaves for his class.

While she's in the middle of getting Hope registered in the system there's and knock on her door. After quietly tell them to come in.

"Hey mommy. How are you?" Olivia asks with a soft look on her face. She knows it can't be easy to see the family that left her at her weakest.

"I'm okay sweetheart. How did you enjoy talking to Hope?" Delilah asks.

Knowing her mother was trying to change the subject, doesn't call her out on it. "It was honestly great, Hope is very sweet and I honestly don't think she's ever had a friend before. I can't wait to introduce her to Josie and Lizzie."

"That's great hun. I'm about finished here so why don't you go get your dad and head to our room and we can have family night again?" Delilah asks.

Olivia agrees after giving her mom a kiss on the cheek. Delilah finishes getting Hope into the system and joins her family for pizza and movies before going to bed after the stressful day they've all had.

(I should probably explain the five headmasters part

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(I should probably explain the five headmasters part. Obviously Ric is one of them but the rest are Damon, Delilah, Stefan, and Caroline. I know most schools only have one but this is a supernatural school it's not exactly normal.)

(Fun fact I got the names Delilah and Olivia from songs. Hey there Delilah for Delilah ugh what a timeless classic ❤️ and Olivia from the one direction song Olivia that I had stuck in my head while coming up with this concept)

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