64 | Shakespeare

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Wow, it's been so long! Last time we met here, it was 2020.  

That joke is not going to age well.  So for anyone reading in the future, it was 29 Dec when I posted the last chapter and now it's Jan...

Anyway, thank you @minakshivipin for the poster!

Chapter 64: Shakespeare

The salty air from the sea carried over the party. We were in an open space, under a night sky that was still smoky from a firework show.

To my right was a crowd partying the night away with flashing lights emitting from a giant stage. To my left was darkness. A quiet body of water.

I leaned on one leg and then the other. These high heels were not the wisest choice for a night out. I looked out at the water from our beach club party and wondered what would happen if I jumped into the sea. I'm not the best swimmer so maybe the currents would -

"What are you thinking?" Luke asked me softly, noticing my absentmindedness.

I'm thinking we should become pirates.

I said, "I'm thinking what a great year this will be."

That sounds normal.

Our heads were so close together. If we wanted to hear each other over the loud music, we needed to be this close. And I wasn't complaining. I loved the feeling of his soft hair on my skin.

Luke's arm was wrapped around me while he spoke to the others. I was physically present, but my imagination was on some pirate ship.

"Austin," Luke said, continuing the conversation he was having with them, "You don't need us for this plan. Millie and I weren't planning on staying here all night."

From what I understood, Austin wanted to break into the backstage area to rescue Lara from having fun. An unrequested rescue mission.

"Why don't you let her have fun?" Cearra asked, echoing my sentiment exactly.

"Because the DJ wants to get lucky tonight," Austin said, "And those were his pathetic words, not mine."

"She is underage," Chad pointed out in a surprisingly responsible move. "If that was my sister, I would get her out of there."

"But it's not your sister," Bianca told Austin.

"I've known her since she was born," Austin replied, "Our mothers have been friends for decades and, even if I didn't know her well, what kind of friend would just walk away? I want to make sure she's OK and then I'll leave."

The group sided with Austin. New year, new adventure.

Except for Chad, who was very reluctant to leave our table behind.

"We haven't finished all the alcohol," he complained, shaking a bottle as proof.

"Bring it with you," Austin yelled back, leading the way through the crowd.

I have never been backstage anywhere before, so I wondered what creative plan they had to get in. We walked through the party and the closer we got to the front, the more intense the party got.

The party had entered into its next phase: the post-midnight 'I don't care what I look like or who I'm talking to' phase. Temptation was no longer relevant. It was all about impulse.

It felt like a safari, wandering through the crowd and getting a glimpse of everyone's different new year experience. I saw a couple making out in goggles that I almost missed seeing a girl pull Luke's shirt.

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