13. Pain & Destruction Part 1

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[ This is the 1st part of the story, it was to much for a whole one]


Today's finally the day where I'll finally hear the whole story. I'm ready. But I feel guilty doing this on Levi's birthday.

Ymir said she would back me up if anyone would tell another lie. I told her if she did back me up, I promised not to tell them that she is the traitor.

But aren't promises meant to be broken? We'll see soon.

His surprise birthday party wouldn't start until 5:00pm, the time was already 1:43pm. I decided not to dress up as much since you know, I'm the 'bad' guy today.

I decided to wear some black sweats along with a cute hoodie and some accessories in my hair. I left the way my hair was since I didn't want to bother touching it.

The others were quickly prepping for his birthday. Hange had arrived super early at Mikasa's house since she knew Levi for a long time and liked to surprise him.

Erwin would also be the one to bring Levi so naturally he would be there. I kind of want to see Historia and Ymir work things out after this is all over since they've been together for quite some time.

[Timeskip 5:00pm]

Here I was, drinking hot cocoa while we wait for Levi to come in any moment now, along with Erwin. 

Everyone was here. By everyone, I mean EVERYONE.

Mikasa, Eren, Armin, were all just talking while Connie, Sasha, Jean, were all eating the desserts and having a drinking contest. (non-alcoholic drinks)

Hange kept peeking through the window to see if Erwin's car was coming. Ymir and Historia were on the couch together.

Lastly, Marco started taking pictures with his camera, to see that we were having an amazing time. Petra and Oluo were just having a normal chat.

"Guys their coming!!" Hange said closing the curtains and turning the light off.

They all hid behind whatever they saw to say 'surprise'. I didn't move at all. I stayed in my seat in the dining room drinking my hot cocoa.

"Jean Leave! I was here first" I heard Eren pushing Jean on the floor. "No I was! Go somewhere else" I heard Jean say back.

"Shh! their coming!" I heard Marco.

The house was completely dark and no one dared to make a sound. We heard the door knob move and just in that very moment. There was Levi and Erwin.

They all jumped up expect for Mikasa she just stood up and screamed "SURPRISED". I mumbled the word and jazzed my fingers.

"Happy Birthday Levi!" Hange said giving Levi a big hug. "Get off of me four eyes" He said pushing her head away from him.

"What's this all about?" Levi asked. "Come on Levi! you just turned 24!" Hange said throwing her hands over his shoulder.

Moments later everyone started to have fun. Through the corner of my eye I saw Ymir coming to sit right in front of me.

"What time are you planning to tell them?" She smirked drinking whatever she had in her cup.

I looked at my phone to see that it was already 5:43pm.

"around 6 or 7" I said looking around. "It better be soon" She winked and got up from the chair to be with Historia.

Ymir's Pov:

Today's is going to be full of excitement. As long as (Y/n) doesn't say a word about me then I'm all good. I know (Y/n) doesn't break promises so that's a relief.

I did her a favor by telling her the truth. Hey, she deserved to know. Imagine keeping something big away from your close friend and hiding it for two years.

This is going to be a day to remember.

Armin's Pov:

Everyone was having a good time when I saw Ymir talking to (Y/n). I'm not trying to accuse anyone but Ymir has been acting awfully suspicious.

She could be the traitor. I mean she's hasn't been arriving at the agency at all and has been going to suspicious places.

Right now I have a feeling that something is going to happen. It might be just me but the aura surrounding (Y/n) is dark.

(Y/n)'s Pov:

I had saw that Levi was going to get a drink when I decided to go to the balcony. The stars were so beautiful and the wind was just refreshing. Of course It was cold since it was winter but It didn't snow at all.

There was only a little bit of frost on the grass. I heard footsteps coming my way but right now I wanted relief.

"You seem awfully quiet today" The voice belonged to Levi. I saw him walking next to me, leaning his arms on the bars.

"Is it because I'm always loud?" I asked chuckling a bit.

"Something's bothering you" Levi said looking up at the stars. When I looked next to him it was a sight that I could never turn away.

"Why's that?" I asked looking at him.

"Just a feeling" He sighed looking at me.

"Can you gather everyone to sit in the dining room?" I asked.

"Why?" was all he said.

"Please, it's important" I said looking down at the balcony.

Before he left the balcony to tell the others I stopped him by grabbing his hand. He turned around to see that his face was puzzled.

I embraced him into a hug. His body had tensed but loosened when he had hug back.

"What's this for?" He asked laying his head on my shoulder.

"It's just one of your presents. Happy Birthday Levi" I said hugging him a bit tighter.

The truth was that this was going to be the last day I see him. I just wanted to make it count.

"I'll gather the brats up" He said.

We had soon pulled away so he could tell the others.

It's time to confront them.

Levi's Pov:

I had gather every single one of those brats at the dining room. I told them that (Y/n) needed to talk to all of us for some reason. 

She knows, doesn't she? 

Is that why she gave me a hug? Is she leaving? No, she wouldn't.

(Y/n) isn't that type of person to throw away everything, I know her. I worked with her for two years, she wouldn't do this to us.

To be continued......

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