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12:30pm, Yvonne stared blankly at her wall clock, time flew so fast. Today she didn't have to worry about files coming in or the hustle and bustle of Lagos, she took a day off and it was well deserved.

Yvonne Jones, the 29 years old head of the market research department of one of the leading Access bank branch in Ikoyi, had everything going for her.She was a beauty with brains indeed as she quickly rose to the highest position as soon as she joined the bank. She had everything she wanted a nice apartment in Ikoyi, an expensive model car and access to whatever she wanted, despite having a loving family and caring friends around her, all she really wanted was a life partner. She dreaded the thought of being 30 years old without being married, right now she was in a dilemma only five months were left till her thirtieth birthday.

Right now, what she needed was exactly what she got, a day off to think about the past and start planning for the future.

She recalled her first dating experience with Ayodele Alabo, the Yoruba lawyer who had a strange sense of humour, but he had a problem, he was a glutton hence he was always ordered a lot while having a hard time paying the bill.

Anyanwu was the worst compared to Ayo, he never attempted to pay the bill, leaving Yvonne to always clear it up despite that he couldn't speak english properly, something Yvonne could never keep up with.

Uduak was alright compared to the others but had never taken her out to any fancy restaurant. He couldn't even buy her anything though he was an achieved man, who only talked about himself. He was proud and selfish.

Ibrahim was a different case, always asking for money under one excuse or the other.

Basil Briggs the last but not the least was very different from the others and he was exactly everything Yvonne wanted physically, money and character wise she met him just when she had landed a good paying job.

He was always 'travelling' but Yvonne didn't care not until the day he took her out and a woman interrupted their lunch claiming to be Basil's wife.

"What?!!"she shrieked at first.

Just when she thought she had marriage in her grasps, she had become the other woman, a home wrecker.

"Oh my God, I had no idea ma, he didn't tell me, you can have him, I'm done."she answered the annoyed woman

"You are a shameless man." Yvonne stood up and walked out of the restaurant without giving Basil a turn to speak, thankfully no one in the restaurant at that moment knew her, she vowed never to go back there to save herself from embarrassment.

Since then, her dating life ended and she focused on her career. She was an outstanding staff and within a short time, she reached new heights.

Dating was not an option then but it was now, blindates were checked off from the list ever since she met Uduak who Cecilia, her best friend set up for her.

"Cece, that guy was horrible, don't ever bring up blindates again. I beg you in the name of God."Yvonne pleaded to Cecilia after she broke up with Uduak.

The guys had good jobs;Ayo was a well known carpenter with his own company, Anyanwu was a dentist, Uduak was a doctor, Ibrahim was a journalist and Basil was an engineer.Cece had informed her.

"But they're just awful, I don't want to talk about them again please, just stop."Yvonne replied already annoyed.

"Have you tried online dating?"

"That's where I'll meet all those yahoo boys, those 419 and kidnappers. I don't want to think of trying it. The last thing I want is to be scammed just because I'm desperate for a husband."

"But you can still meet these guys on the road or just anywhere."

"At least I'll smell them out before something happens."

"I've forgotten that you have super sense, you'll fish them out in a wink." Cece teased "Don't worry, it will all work out in the end."

But there was one person left, Yvonne sat up on her bed and mumbled"Zach".

Zach was her former neighbour..(former neighbour's friend) he lived with his friend for a while and they were both close.

He was everything Yvonne wanted in terms of character but there was one problem, he didn't have a good job to cater for himself let alone a girlfriend or wife, he was hardworking and willing to work but Yvonne told him to become something in life when he hinted that he loved her.

Soon after that, he travelled to the United states of America and since then, she hadn't heard of him. She reminisced about the fun times they spent together and how much laughter they shared with each other, he was sweet, loving and caring plus he could make any woman go crazy with his smiles too.

She missed him even though it had been for so long since they last saw each other.

She sighed.

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