Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: Ignored?

I sped through the door, shooting a quick grin Dean’s way before running for my seat. I didn’t really notice or acknowledge the fact that Dean hadn’t returned the look. I was far too excited to care anyway.

“Sam!” I called, smiling widely when she looked up with a surprised expression. “My ship is sailing!”

“Which one?” Sam asks with a small chuckle. I ignore the teasing expression on her face, plopping down into my seat happily.

“Let’s just say a sibling of mine and a South African hunk are gonna have kids within the next ten years.” Sam snorts at my sudden comment, turning away from my wide smile to collect herself.

“Oh my God!” She gasps, gaining back her breath only to laugh. “I have no idea what your sister would think if she knew that you talked about her like that.”

“Not her, per se.” I disagree with a small shrug. “But her relationship.”

“As if that is much better.” I don’t argue with Sam further, partly because she is right.

My eyes drift over to Dean, hoping that he will be looking my way. I frown slightly when he isn’t but shake it off when I notice that he is speaking to a student. He is a teacher after all, of course, he will be busy.

“Anyway, it is a cute ship though, right?” I ask excitedly, barely keeping my voice from being heard by everyone in the room. Sam nods and I take that as permission to continue talking about it.

“I mean, first of all, they have the same sense of humour. They could just talk and laugh about nothing for the longest time because of that.” I rambled, eyes off in a faraway place as I spoke. “Dipi is a very dominating person and Lani is good with people like that so he can handle her. And, Dipi is all about self-reflection and growth and Thulani has the same vibes because he’s from South Africa. They are like the same people but different. Perfect, right?”

Despite trying to remain as the sane one between the two of us, Sam was quickly becoming nearly as excited as I am.

“Yeah! And Dipi has magic and Lani knows a shit-ton of self-defence. They can be badass together too!” Sam adds, her eyes squeezing shut and a grin splitting her face.

The two of us continued to giggle, squeal, and obsess over the imaginary relationship between Thulani and Dipika until Dean started the lesson.

Pulling our items out of our backpacks, we sat up straight at the sound of Dean’s commanding voice.

“Good morning, class!” Dean grinned, eyes scanning over the entire class and their expression. I had a wide smile on my face, waiting for Dean’s eyes to meet mine.

They skimmed closer and closer before skimming down and up, completely avoiding my eyes. I blinked, my smile dropping as bubbling excitement was replaced with confusion.

What was that?

I shook my head, removing the thought, rolling back my shoulders back and placing another smile on my lips. It’s fine. It is all fine.

"Now, I know that I have been an angel of a teacher, rarely giving you tests and no projects." He starts, pacing in front of our seats with a small smile on his smooth lips. "But, we will, unfortunately, have to have a project for this unit about vampires. Because this is the first project of the year, I'll go easy on you and make it a pair project. I'll even give you the chance to choose your partner."

With that last phrase, Dean had to pause to not be spoken over. At one moment, dozens of conversations took place as friends and loners tried to find who their partner would be. Dean gave them a moment to talk and get their excitement out before he silenced the room. All he had to do was raise his hand and soon the room was silent again.

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