Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: Mr. Investigator

Duh da

Duh da

Duh da, duh da, duh da, duh da, duh daaaa . . .

I jumped from behind the wall, spreading out my arms with a large grin.

“Da DA! Duh Da!” A few eyes were glued onto me as I continued to hum and sign down the halls. But, no one knew why I was singing the famous Pink Panther song as I went through the halls except for me. After the incident the previous day with Lani and Harvey, I was determined to get the inside scoop from my sister.

I had donned my dark jeans and my favourite black band t-shirt, paired the outfit with my all black sneakers and black beanie to leave my room. Before I could go, Warlo made the best comment.

“You look like you’re about to rob some shit,” He had said casually, his eyes back on his phone after looking up at me for only a second. “Like you’re going to be the Pink Panther’s alter ego. The Black Panther.”

“Isn’t that almost offensive?” Nick had then asked, looking adorably confused from his place at his dresser. “I mean that was like a huge symbol for the black community first being the name of that black rights group and then the name of that black superhero-”

“But it’s fine though,” The Filipino boy interrupted, waving Nick’s words away with his hand. “Sebastian’s Indian so it’s close enough.”

“Actually it’s not-” Nick tried to say but I cut him off.

“Nick, don’t even try.” I told him, giving him an understanding look. “We both know that you can never win an argument with Warlo because he never uses logic.”

Nick and I started to nod in agreement, causing Warlo’s face to slowly contort into a frown. He went to say something but I raised a hand, silencing him.

“Please, no more conversation. I already know what I want to do when I leave and I don’t want you to talk me out of it with your logic.” I explained to Warlo, waiting for him to be insulted. Warlo seemed to plan to do exactly that but suddenly stopped and instead gave me a curious look.

“What did you want to do?” He asked innocently. I thought over whether I really wanted to tell him or not, eventually deciding that I would.

“I am going to hype myself up by singing the Pink Panther song as I go to meet my sister.” I smirk proudly, not surprised at all when the two of them start laughing at me. “Laugh all you want, I’ll be the one living my best life.”

And that is exactly what I did, and I it felt awesome. I was going to the library to meet my sister after another one of her study sessions. I texted her that I wanted to talk and she had told me, and I quote, “Come to the library. I don’t want to waste time walking more than I have to”.

I would have told her that she probably would have had to walk to the same amount regardless but I didn’t feel like arguing with my sister over it so I just let it go and agreed. Besides, I wanted her in a good mood if I wanted the best tea from her. A boy has to use all of his resources right?

I arrived at the library, suddenly feeling awkward from my position outside of the room. I couldn’t see my sister from the doorway and worried that if I tried to look through the windows, I would look like a creep.

The large doors in front of me had detectors made to detect when a person left with a book or other material not yet checked out. The detectors were created magically so they were even more effective than the previous technical models that were popular.

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