Chapter 26

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(A/N: Dean McCain Up Top)

Chapter 26: Explain!

My eyes shot open, simply because of my shock and surprise over the entire situation. I finally knew why I was also so drawn to Mystery Man, he was my soulmate.

But I was met with an even bigger shock than before when I took in who I was looking at.

"Dean . . . " My voice broke off. I covered my mouth with my hand and shook my head. "How could you?"

Dean McCain was my mate.

Dean's eyes softened, guilt quickly taking over his expression. He reached out a hand to touch my cheek but I swatted it away. I stood up and walked away from the rock, creating distance between Dean and I.

Dean slowly lowered his hand as I glared darkly at him.

"Sebastian, I didn't-"

"You didn't what? Try to lie to me? Attempt to keep your identity a secret even though we became friends? Play with my trust and disregard all of my feelings?! Tell me that you didn't do any of that, tell me! Give me another huge lie and tell me!"

I turned to head back to the dorms but Dean rushed over to grab my arm. I threw the offending body part off of me again and turned to find him looking at me with even more desperation.

"Sebastian, please listen to me." Dean pleaded, biting his lips harshly as he gave me desperate eyes.

I crossed my arms and scowled at Dean's pretty face.

"Give me one good reason, Dean. Because right now it is getting hard for me to find one." I challenged him, raising my chin smugly when he paused.

Dean stared at the ground before looking back up at me, his bright eyes shocking my body.

"Because we are mates, and whether you like it or not, we completed a bond that can't be broken, at least not right now."

I blinked up at the taller man, my mind repeating the word repeatedly in my mind.

Mates, mates, mates, mates . . .

My true mate is Dean, I am mated to Dean.

A pleasurable flatter went through my chest and down my body until it reached my crotch. My lower belly tightened and my back clenched in response. Gritting my teeth, I pushed the happy thoughts away and focused on the anger, I was mated to a guy that had played me for a fool, I needed answers.

"Explain then, I think at this point I should know, right?" Dean winced at the barely contained venom in my voice before.

"I . . . I have dated only three people in my lifetime, but I have gone on far more dates. Growing up in the predominantly human realm, dating was very popular and normalized and I fell into that idea as well."

"But as a sort of prodigy or genius, people often became interested in me because they were interested in my future. They started dating me because they wanted what I could give them. The moment I was granted immortality for myself and a future partner, even more people wanted me. Strangers, recent exes, people that I hadn't heard from in years suddenly wondered how I was doing. Wanted to know if I was in town and if we could hang out. My second relationship was with a guy, and I found out after dating him for seven months that he started dating me for my immortality, and he was still seeing other men on the side."

Dean turned to look away from me, his eyes focusing on the fall leaves crushed under his foot.

"I've lost some trust in people Sebastian. I wanted to trust you too so I made sure that you didn't know who I am."

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