Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Connection

Attending Dean's class today had been a bit . . . odd for me. Although I told all of my friends that there was nothing going on, I still found myself to be more conscious of him than usual. Altogether, Dean was pretty normal though.

He made his usual types of jokes, somehow getting the class to laugh every time, he taught the subject clearly and helped us review for our upcoming test. But, he met my eyes more, much more actually. And for some reason, my cheeks started to heat up as he did so. I'm not sure why, but somehow, his behaviour started to really affect me.

I shook my head as I thought back on my previous class. I shouldn't be thinking about Dean while I am sitting in his brother's class. I should focus. I looked back up to the board to find the older McCain brother peering up at the class.

"Sebastian," He suddenly boomed, startling me into jumping in my seat. I looked back at him with wide eyes and nodded. "Tell me why ancient theologists thought that male shifter slick was a gift from the gods."

I blinked slowly.

Oh god, did I forget? I bit my lip harshly and stared down at the table. Think think think . . . Oh!

"Uh, was it because, for about 200 years before, the male shifters showed no signs of being able to carry a child after the magic-induced continental drift?" Mr. McCain nodded with a small, pleased smile. I sighed in relief and sank back into my seat.

"Yes, that is exactly it. Good job." He gave me a small before turning back to the class. "For the rest of you who were zoning out like Sebastian here, I hope that you start paying attention or else you won't be as lucky as Sebastian to know the answer to the question that I ask you."

I felt my cheeks warmed and tried to sink into my seat further. So I answered the question correctly, yet I was still embarrassed. I really couldn't win now, could I?

Mr. McCain didn't make me another public example so the rest of class was alright. It was a bit harder to pay attention at times because the class was basically a history class on the different species, but I plowed through and kept myself awake.

But, there were some interesting parts to the class, honestly. If I stopped thinking about all the different names that I had to remember and focused on the interesting things that they did, I could enjoy myself. I was just not going to do that today.

"It looks like class is about to end soon so for homework tonight, I want you to read from page 34 to 44 in the animal species textbook and answer the guided questions that they have on each page-" Mr. McCain was interrupted by the ringing of the bell and sighed as everyone quickly started to pack up. "Remember, page 34 to 44 including the guided questions. I'll be checking it tomorrow!"

Almost half of the class was gone by the time he repeated himself and the rest were barely listening. I chuckled under my breath at the put-off expression on our teacher's face before I continued to pack up.

Mr. McCain, the older of the two brothers, wasn't very good at hiding his annoyance. He could certainly be patient, but one knew when he was starting to get frustrated, and I enjoyed that a lot in terms of amusement while in his class.

Not to say that he was boring but as I said before . . . his class is kind of like a history class. I can still get those grades and make it rain straight A's if you know what I mean, but I am just not the biggest fan of history classes.

Now, that said Mr. McCain's gaze did linger on me as I was leaving his class. Whether that was because I answered his question correctly after zoning out, was a student that was mentioned by his brother a lot, or was just plain fine, I couldn't tell. I had no idea if the older McCain, Jason I think, even knew about how much I talked to his brother, so one of those possibilities might be out of the question. Either way, the look caused some curiosity but I wouldn't find out today because I was going to see my, kind of, boyfriend!

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