The Reasoning

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"Come on Ivy! You're going. It's final," Claire ordered me.

I groaned stuffing my face into my sheets more, "Why?" It was honestly weird being in my bed since Colton was gone. I didn't like it. His bed was more comfortable and it had his smell.

"Because tonight's the only night you'll be away from Colton ever again and you need to have fun for once without him!" Emily butts in.

I pull out my phone and turn away from them itching to text my boyfriend to see what he was doing. Except the phone was ripped out of my hands, "Hey!"

I jumped up to try to get it out of Claire's hands, "tsk tsk, you'll get it back later."

"But-." She cut me off, "No buts, get up and get dressed."

I just needed to text him. An hour and a half later I was ready. I still hadn't gotten my phone back. I was pissed. I wore a pair of black jeans, a long-sleeved striped crop top, and a pair of white high-top vans. I left my hair naturally wavy and my makeup to a minimum. If I didn't want to go to this party, I sure as hell wasn't going to go all out and waste makeup. Since I was now ready, I needed to find a way to tell Colton I was leaving.

I had no clue where she put it. What do I do?

"Ives, let's go!" They screamed at me from downstairs.

I groaned, "Uh, coming!"

I searched my drawers one last time and found nothing so I figured it must be on her person. I head down the stairs to see them in trashy-looking clothes. Don't they have boyfriends? "Would Beau and Noah let you guys go out in that?" I ask curiously as we walk on foot to the party since it is close. They ignored me. They wanted to walk because they could drink and not have to drive.

I slowly tagged along behind them as they engaged in conversation with each other. I didn't bother to chime in. "Ivy, what's your problem? Lighten the fuck up! Enjoy your night!" Claire says wrapping an arm around my shoulder and bringing me into the middle of them.

I roll my eyes, "I'm fine. Probably just about to start my period," I lied. I didn't want to have to fight with them right now. I didn't want to ruin their night too. I just wanted my phone.

We arrived at the party and it was filled with hundreds of teenagers. The music was loud, the stench of weed was in the air, and I could hear the laughter of the people enjoying their time. We immediately find our way to the kitchen and I pull out a beer from the cooler and pop the cap off. I take a swig of it letting the cool liquid rush down my throat.

I leaned against the counter as I watched my two best friends talk to random college boys as they walked into the room. Emily grabs my hand and pulls me into the conversation, "This is our bestie, Ivy!"

He smirks, eyeing me up and down before saying, "Hello Ivy. I'm Shane. Shane Buckingham." I nod not bothering to respond to him due to the fact I didn't care who he was.

Claire hits my shoulder again, "Ivy. He's the host."

"Oh," I say, "nice party."

He chuckles, "You look like you're enjoying it."

I look down at the beer in my hand before taking another long swig of it, "the best."

I could feel Emily roll her eyes as Claire scoffed, "She's mad because her boyfriend is in California and needs a good fuck."

His smile grows wider as he looks at me with playful eyes as I scowl, "Shut the fuck up, Claire."

"Feisty. I like that." Shane says.

I groan, "Well, I'm just gonna go now. Bye." I didn't need guys hitting on me. That's why I liked going places with Colton. I didn't have to worry about that because he would fight anyone that came near me.

I turned around and walked off. I ended up finding a door that led to a patio that wasn't very crowded. A couple was sitting on a bench and that was it. I took a seat in a chair on the other side, keeping my distance from them. There was a spectacular view from this apartment building. You can see everything from here. I took the last few sips of my beer, wishing I had grabbed another one before coming out here. I wish Colton was here.

I hear the door open and close and I figure the couple had left. I let out a sigh before I heard a voice, "What's on your mind, pretty girl?"

I cock my head to the side to see the host of the party, Shane, once again. "Hi?" I hate how I come out here for peace but somehow that gets interrupted.

"I asked, what's on your mind?"

My eyes widened at his demand and I sat up straighter in the chair, "Nothing."

He chuckled, "I've been around girls all my life and you expect me to believe that. Cut the bullshit."

"It's not any of your business," I tell him, looking back at the city's skyline.

He muttered something under his breath before coming a step closer, "You're at my house. It's my business if one of my guests isn't having a good time."

I sighed, "Just missing my boyfriend."

"Why? Just have fun and forget about him."

I looked at him for the first time with a disgusted face, "No."

"I didn't mean like that. I meant like he's not here you deserve to be independent for a night and have fun," he tells me.

I look down at my feet and sigh, "I'd just feel more comfortable if he was here you know? My friends took my phone and I can't talk to him and I just feel like dirty because he doesn't know I'm here."


I roll my eyes and stand up and walk around him, "Well I'm gonna go now. Nice party."

"Bye Ivy."

I go back inside and try to find my friends but they are nowhere to be found, so I find the front door and walk toward it. There was a clock hanging up near the door that read it was now midnight. I had been here long enough. I opened the door and walked out into the night.

Probably the worst decision I could make. I was alone. With no phone. And not completely sure where I was. But, I did find my way home around thirty minutes later.

I was checking my surroundings every five seconds making sure there wasn't anyone following me. I made sure to linger outside my door before I entered my house. I think the coast was clear.

The first thing I do when I get inside is look for my phone.

I check the foyer: nothing.

Living room: nothing.

Kitchen: nothing.

I head up the stairs looking under all of the flower pots and decorations in the hallway. Nothing.

I was about to give up when I remembered there was one place I didn't check in my bedroom. The box that was under my bed held my most prized memories and photos.

I lay on the floor, grabbed the box, and slowly opened it praying it was in there. I was in luck. It was.

I push the home button to find numerous numbers of text messages and missed calls from Colton. Oh god. What did I do? He's never going to forgive me. I see that his sister had messaged me too.

I call Colton and it immediately goes to voice mail. I checked the time to see that it was almost one in the morning here now. It was only eleven in California now.

I keep trying his number to find that his phone is probably turned off. I texted him telling him I'm sorry that I needed to explain to him what happened.

I climb into my bed, I don't take off any of my clothes besides my shoes. I hold my phone against my chest and begin to cry realizing all of the mistakes I had made.

I should have tried harder to get my phone back.

Introducing IvyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon