Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Roommates Huh?

The day so far has been quite eventful. It was crazy to think of all the things that happened in less than twenty-four hours. I was making my way back to the dorms, tense and waiting, just in case Dipi or Orlando popped up all of the sudden and I wasn't ready to run. I found myself in the lounge room again seeing all the activities that were still going on. I slowly made my way past the group, heading towards my room.

I was pretty drained and just trudged my way down the hall until I remembered the roommates that were probably in the room.

I took in a deep breath.

The new student registration period was for about a week in the fall but the three of us exchanged a couple of messages online so I knew they were also planning on coming today.

I sighed.

I have to just get this over with and there was no time to be nervous now.

I walked with a new determination in my step quickly finding myself in front of our room door.

I stared at the doorknob, probably for five minutes longer than necessary and finally opened the door.

They were seated on their beds, knees almost touching as they spoke to each other.

Their eyes were wide and they seemed to be completely invested in their conversation.

"You asshat!"

That surprised me.

At first glance, it had seemed as if they were happy, excited to be talking to each other.

I was probably wrong.

"How dare you say that Twice is better than Red Velvet?!" One of them said. I took in his appearance. He had tanned skin and dark thick wavy hair swept out of his face in a young Justin Bieber do. He had a young boyish face and round eyes that drew all of your attention straight to the chocolate brown orbs.

I soon gathered that he was Warlo. He had told us online that he was eighteen turning nineteen in a couple of weeks and was half Filipino and half Japanese and had moved with his family to America three years before he was accepted. He also had mentioned that he was a Vampire so the green undertone, a common tell for Vampires made sense.

He looked more Filipino then I had expected but his Japanese heritage was still clearly visible.

The thing that surprised me the most was how outraged he sounded.

He had seemed like a real sweetheart online but man could he yell.

"Red Velvet is great, I can admit that. But Twice has the best songs, great adorable choreography, and have you seen Mina?!" My other roommate, Nick the Feii, argued.

*Pronounced as fey*

Warlo almost tugged his hair out in frustration.

"Have you seen Peek-a-boo? Or Ice cream cake? Or Russian Roulette? Do you even have a soul?!" Warlo yelled.

"Yes!" Nick answered. "And it lives and breaths for Twice!"

Warlo groaned out loud at Nick's confession of his love.

"You don't even-" Warlo started but was cut short.

"Uhh...." I trailed off. I had quite a few friends who were into Kpop but they never got this intense and were never adult males who looked ready to fight to the death for their beloved groups.

It was just an awkward time to have walked in.

They snapped their heads in my direction, momentarily taking the fire of their groups being threatened away from the other and over to me.

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