Chapter 3

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(A/N: Dipika up top.)

Chapter 3: Where She Goes, Eyes Follow

"T-this is amazing," I whispered in total awe as I looked at my new home for the next four years. "I can't believe I'm going to go to school here."

"Well you better get used to it." My father said, smiling as he patted my shoulder and started towards the school.

After our escort waved us all good bye, my parents and I started the short walk through the front grounds, passing by students lounging on the grass and soaking up the sun as they studied, read, or just napped outside. The path that we walked was made of randomly sized gray stones that went up towards the school in a slightly wavy pattern.

We walked up a wide staircase leading us straight to the huge front doors.

My old school was probably as tall as these doors. I thought as I looked up, staring at the oak.

"Are you ready?" I heard my mother ask as she came up beside me.

"Yeah." I whispered.

Before we could even touch the doors they were swung open and there stood my sister Dipi.

"You're here." She smiled, running up to us and hugging us as quickly as she could. "I'm so glad, it has been way too long."

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, slightly stunned. 

"That's how you greet your sister?" My mother complained, as we walked through the front door.

"I live here Sebastian." She teased with a roll of her eyes. When I just gave her a look she let out a sigh. "So I might have kept our connection on today so I could sense when you were coming."

She led us through the huge hall until we were in front of a man standing behind a desk.

"Hi Todd," Dipi greeted him, using her award winning smile. "I'm here for my brother Sebastian Mishra-Terrenova. He is a new student and he needs his dorm and class information."

Todd nodded, going over to a computer where he seemed to type in a couple of things before he turned around heading into a back room out of sight. When he returned he was holding a short stack of papers.

"These papers have your dorm and class information," He told me as he was about to hand it to me before he stopped pulling them back. "Please do not attempt to use any magic on these papers, they are immune and it would not end well for you if anyone found out that you even tried."

I nodded.

"I would never, there would be no point." I told him, snatching the papers before he could say anything else. 

I went towards one of the benches, sitting down so I could look through the papers.

"You know it's not good to be rude to people who work here." Our mother said. "He could be helpful in the future."

I kept in the urge to roll my eyes, knowing how my mother would react if I did. "I will remember that and try it out. Next time."

"Alright then," She sighed dramatically, her smile ruining whatever she was trying to do.

My sister Dipi looked around the room with a soft smile becore her gaze turned back to me and her smile widened.

"I guess I should show you around Sebastian. We'll drop Mom and Dad off with Orlando then I can show you around." She seemed to see a girl that she knew and waved and a light blush tainted the girls cheeks before she waved back.

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