Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Where Is That Mailwoman?!

"UGH! They said it would be here by now!" I complained as I stared out the window.

"Just be patient." My sister Dipi told me. "Besides, it's not like they know exactly when it would come." I groaned out loud before going back into the mind link.

"But I thought they had magic users to help with that." I said.

"Nope, they leave it all to the post office and if I'm correct they mostly employ humans." She told me. I really wanted to groan again but I had a feeling I was being repetitive so I stuck with pout. I look out my window hoping to miraculously find our mailwoman Jane walking up to our door, but unfortunately for me I am left with the sight of an empty walkway and the dirty aftermath of rain I see practically everyday.

Oh what a great life I have.

"Ugh, this is the seventh time I'm stuck staring at the muddy mush I have to call a lawn without seeing Jane walk up with a big bag stuffed full of letters!" I complain to my sister.

"Well that's a bummer. Wait, I have the perfect idea to fix that!" Dipi said, her voice rising out of what I hopped to be excitement.

"A spell?" I asked hopefully.

"Actually I was going to recommend that you clean up the lawn but sure, you could do it with a spell." She said, a teasing tone in her voice.

"Dipika." I groaned before flopping back first onto my bed while my sisters annoying cackle filled my ears, almost making me laugh at the thought that she really acts like a witch.

"Seriously though, this is basically torture!" I told her.

"Cause obviously making you wait is the worst thing someone could ever do to you." She said, sarcasm practically dripping from her lips and pouring onto the floor.

"Yes, yes it is." I replied, playing along. Even though it was a movement and I shouldn't have been able to hear it, I could actually feel Dipi roll her eyes even though we were in different city areas.

Oh wait, That might bring up some questions. Let me just catch you up to things. Hi, I'm Sebastiano Indrajit Mishra-Terrenova, I'm eighteen years old and I'm a magic user. I am the last child of three since I have an older brother Orlando, and an older sister Dipika.

My oldest brother Orlando is currently in his second year of working at Calfuray Academy while my sister Dipika is in her fourth year at going to Calfuray Academy. Which is what we were talking about now. I applied to Calfuray Academy wanting to be able to attend the school and though it seems like the Academy is almost a family tradition -which it kind of is- I am still worried.

The Academy is very famous for it's courses, facilities, and teachers. So that means that every year the Academy gets hundreds of thousands of applications. Getting in is very hard but once you're in being able to say that I go to Calfuray Academy is like equivalent of saying that you went to Juilliard, Harvard or Yale back in the day, but WAY more important.

So you can see why I am a little anxious to finally get the letter I was waiting for ever since I knew the school existed.

"Really though, can't you just be patient and wait for the letter. Or better yet, do something else." My sister told me.

"But I don't want to, it's annoying enough that I have to stare at this sad excuse for grass but I have to see it while being reminded that I am so anxious to get that letter that I can't do anything without getting bored!" I explained.

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