Battle Royale- Deathmatch

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~credit to @yosh234 for the cover~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kameyo Takahashi (Female Student 05), Fumio Katō (Male Student 09), Andrew Dykman (Male Student 03); Area D6 is now officially a forbidden area. Make your way to a non-forbidden area within twenty minutes unless you want to be blown to bits. That's all for now."

Once his voice stopped echoing in Kameyo's ears, she collected herself and her belongings and crawled out of the cabinet she had been hiding in for the past three days. This was how Kameyo had been surviving the past week; hiding, relocating, hiding again.

She never grew hungry, the stores she hid in had remnants of stale bread and fruit from when the old Japanese island was inhabited. God knows how long ago that was.

Kameyo had lost count of the days she had been trapped in this death cage for ages ago. Ages ago- how long the week had seemed. Death lurked everywhere. It hid in the bushes, it swirled in the sky, it seeped into the students' pores-taking all but three with it.

Forty-two had entered this battle, many of them Kameyo's friends. If she weren't here, Kameyo would be playing with her friends; her friends that were killed right before her. If she weren't here, she would be eating dinner with her parents. How she missed her she wished she had apologized....

Kameyo squeezed her precious stuffed Pikachu tighter as she continued to trudge her way to a non-forbidden area.

Andrew looked at his map. The only non-forbidden area left was E5. The blood pulsed harder in his head. Oh, how anxious he was! The suspense was killing him. Three students left out of forty-two, and he was one of them! He was proud to admit that he had helped out with the disposal of many of his classmates, not that he was very fond of any of them anyway.

Kameyo and Fumio...he didn't even remember what they looked like. He shrugged it off. If he couldn't remember something as simple as that about his competition, they mustn't be a threat. Most of the kids who came on this trip were weak anyways. The majority of them were little Japanese kids-not at all threatening to Andrew; who was one hundred thirty pounds of muscle. He could take these guys easily. He didn't even have to use any weapons thus far, only his overly large hands, still tainted red from whoever that one kid was....he couldn't remember her name either.

Andrew would win this game, there was no doubt in his mind. And when he gets out he'll use his glory to finally win over Rachel...had she been in this arena? Andrew couldn't remember.

Chance of survival: 33%. Chance of beating Kameyo in a fight: 67%. Chance of beating Andrew in a fight: 29%. Fumio continued to come up with statistics to figure out his next move.

He knew his chances of survival were slim, especially with his lack in strength. Luckily he had his brain. Outsmarting Andrew would be easy; he wasn't that bright. He was the stereotypical white jock: high muscle mass, low brain capacity. Kameyo on the other hand, may be more difficult. Although she was the youngest student in the battle, she was an expert at being unnoticed. Even Fumio, who knew mostly everything about everybody, was sometimes unaware of her presence.

But Fumio had one thing that kept his confidence high: a gun. It took a knife to the arm to get it, but he had obtained it nontheless. He ran his fingers over the barrel. Should he shoot them on sight? Or maybe make a deal with one of them? He didn't want to kill anybody. But his brain told him that he must, for it was the name of the game.

Fumio had been the class representative before the trip here. He remembered the last student council meeting like it was yesterday. He had stood up and read the paper out loud, "Motion to approve Class 3's trip to a Japanese island, sponsored by Tom Spencer." Once a motion was received, he continued. "All in favor?" The class responded with a half-hearted, "I." He doubted they were even listening. "All opposed?" The class remained silent. He had slammed the plastic court hammer on the table and smiled. "Meeting adjourned."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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