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Depending on what you want to do for HopeClan, look at these first before you go onto some other stuff.

Leader (TAKEN): Writer, editor, the main speaker for HopeClan, part time roleplayer, observer, will answer questions for anyone, and main editor of the profile {This was taken by Flarestar}

Deputy (TAKEN): Writer, editor, can take place for the leader if needed, sort of an observer, and mostly the same things as the leader {This was taken by Sunheart}

Medicine Cat (TAKEN): Writer, main editor for books, helps out new members to HopeClan, sort of an observer, will help members out if the leader isn't around, and keeping the library and reading lists neat {This was taken by Cindercloud}

Warriors (OPEN): Writer, kind of an editor, can make ideas for others to write in, helps out new members, and can help out with covers

Apprentices (OPEN): Writer and can help with random tasks

Kits (OPEN): Are just writers

If you do not want a rank and wanted to help with someone else, here are a couple of things:
Cover Makers(Three needed)
Roleplayers(Two needed)
Editors(Any number is fine)
Idea Makers(it least five needed)

If you want to join HopeClan, then here are some things you must know:

1. Only some books can have all members write in. I will tell you if a book is open to all. You are aloud to write a book on your own, but you can have others write with you.

2. Depending on your rank, depending on your name. If you are an apprentice, you have the suffix -paw. If you are a kit, you have the suffix -kit.

3. Being friendly is what HopeClan is. Act kind to followers and other members of the Clan.

•Don't curse, unless it's for a book and you put a warning with it.

•Tell me first if you want to write a book.

•I'm not the only one you can go to sleep for. Sunheart can help out also. Don't think you can only ask me questions. Deputies are there for a reason.

•Acting rude and mean to someone on here will get you kicked out and banned. You will be muted.

Now, before you join. Think. Think to yourself, am I good at any of these things. I need to be sent proof that you are good at this. If you want to be a covers maker, send me proof. You can send me your covers threw gmail. My gmail is if that's the case. I need proof you are great at Roleplaying. I need proof you can edit chapters of books. I just need proof. I am picky about cover makers, so just do your best and I'll think about it. I might add more openings sooner or later.

Comment your warrior name, what you want to be, and why you should join HopeClan. Make sure to give good reasons. Also, tell us a little about your self in there. All we want to know is that if you are good at what you want to be, who you are, and a little more.

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