The Week Of March 13, 2016

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A new important quote was found in @xFakingaSmilex's hit book Baby Steps. It says, "I also didn't believe in everything they'd preach, so I found the idea of becoming a religious person hard, especially committing myself completely to a faith." This is when the character Ava states she is not used to being their religion. I am sure you can relate.

Also, @HungerGamesHunter released the first book in the Demon Hunters series. The book is called Gracienna "Gracie" Vampwerengel, Demon Hunter. It is an amazing book. Book two is called Alpha Dem Knockout, Devil Killer. She is working on it now.

@Ofcourseswift has been getting texts that state she has been poop talked to. No one knows much about it. No deets, really.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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