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In history, we are taught about all the wars of common men, how governments toppled each other and how the wealthy grew wealthier on the backs of the public's sacrifice. The innocent were simple seen as collateral damage. It was always believed that the reason they taught us about history was so in future generations, we would not repeat the same mistake that our forefathers did.

Sadly, they were greatly mistaken.

The year was 2154 and so much has changed in the last few centuries. History has bent and changed against all odds and yet we were all still here. Wars, famine, disease... yet we have survived, always finding a way to preserve. First there were the nuclear wars in 2030, bombs being dropped and people dying from the hundreds and thousands. The middle east was lost, all of Europe was in ruins and most of the US was quarantined, only certain areas liveable. So many dead, so much destruction and for what? In the end, Germany or what was left of it had surrendered after they were bombed, wiped out and slaughtered.

Then twenty years after the surrender of the nuclear war world war three began and the history books get a little fuzzy on the details on that. During the years, famine spread and it was always rumoured that America let out a chemical disease to infect and kill their enemies. Regardless if it was true or not, it was worse than the black plague and almost wiped out the entire human race.

In 2100 a new age was born into the twenty-second century and the United Nations was founded. The only countries that had survived were America, China, Russia, the United Kingdom and Australia. It was the exact same as the old one except there were five main power players. Everything went through them and they would in force the new law to the entire world. They believed instead of having one government that strived for power, they would have one united government that would be the most powerful men and women in the world. No one knew their names and no one cared, there was finally peace among the public.

And thirty-four years later I was born and everything changed again. For the worse this time.

A lot of things happened the year I was born in 2134. The UN announced to the entire world that they had made contact with extraterrestrial life. Since all our world's best scientists had come together, we had leaped into the future with both feet. Technology grew and began to expand throughout the months and every few months the public would be awarded some sort of new device.

The technology was so advanced now that they had decided to chip everyone in 2124, it was to be placed in the back of your neck and in your forearm. The chip in your neck had all your information stored, your personal and confidential files that could only be accessed by one person who has a Master Key.

The idea behind it was the chip in your arm would be like a personal programme device for you; it would hold your credit card, debit card, phone, identification, license etc. This was really handy for people for everyday life and everyone was happy. They called it the iChip but inside the iChip, you can have your own little program helper.

The chip in the back of your neck was a chip that was connected to your spinal cord which was in turn also hooked up to your brain. The chip essentially is an extra memory chip for your brain. Everything you see, smell, touch, feel is stored away in your brain and is never used again. This chip lets you organise and categorise your entire brain and even lets you access it on a computer, all you need is a cord to connect to your chip. This also helped with crime related incidence, if someone was beaten up they were able to go through your chip in your neck and take a photo of the person who attack you. They ironically called it the iYou because it's your life and your experiences begin captured in it.

They were going to be the two best inventions in the twenty-second century until the aliens came.

The year 2147 was a landmark year for me and my family. My mother passed away due to a freak medical accident in her laboratory which was shocking for a thirteen-year-old girl. It was the most heartbreaking moment of my entire life. I didn't leave my room for three weeks except for the funeral service. And while all this was happening, we had visitors from space that I completely missed.

The first time I saw them all I could think was how scary and trance-like they looked. We called them the tall whites with their human-like features. They had two arms, two legs and a head on straight. The only thing that was freaky and hypnotic was their chalky white skin and large blue eyes that covered most of their face. Along with their translucent blonde hair and ranging height going from 5'4 to 8 feet they didn't look the least bit human.

The tall whites called themselves Goilk and there was only four of them and they came from the Goitune from the universe of Griokodran. The Goilk belief of the sanity of the hierarchy system and as a sign of good will they sent their entire royal family. They wore simple gowns, the women both varied one wore a simple down to the ground gown while the younger looking one wore a bodice that came down to her thighs and underneath were long pants with what looked like weird modified shoes for them. I remember trying to pay attention to their interview as my brother and father watched on eagerly.

It was a day to rejoice, we were not alone in the universe and with the new technology they were bringing to our planet, we would be able to travel and discover loads more universes and galaxies.

We had five years of peace and prosperity with the Goilk, both races gaining knowledge from the other and building to create a wonderful relationship with the other. Slowly more of their kind came and we studied their technology and them. There was a little hype about it, but scientists happily volunteered themselves to be examined and studied while we studied them and their bodies.

Five years of peace and prosperity, then the peace ran out and the invasion began.

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